Veterans Educational Benefits
The Eastern Florida State College Military & Veterans Service Center is proud to serve those who serve our country. The Center facilitates veterans’ access to government benefits to help them reach their educational goals.
We want to provide timely and accurate service for all veterans and eligible dependents who attend EFSC. Veterans and other eligible persons planning to enroll under the G.I. Bill should contact EFSC's veterans educational benefits experts at the earliest opportunity, plus review the details of available GI Bill Educational Benefits. Benefit applications and instructions for completing the VA Educational Benefit package will be provided during the initial visit to one of the locations listed on this page.
As a fully accredited institution of higher education, EFSC has the approval of the Florida State Approving Agency for Veterans Training to certify enrollment of qualified veteran students. The EFSC Registrar's Office also can evaluate prior military experience for potential College credit.
Use the contacts information to get in touch with us and other agencies as needed.
Applying for & Maintaining GI BILL Educational Benefits
Just remember that applying for veterans benefits is a different process than applying for admission to the college, so you'll need to do both. Follow the steps below by clicking each one to see the details of how to complete that step — steps can often be done at the same time. Completed applications and supporting documents outlined in Step 6 below will be accepted from students only after class registration has been completed.
If you have any questions, contact or visit EFSC's Military & Veterans Service Center for more information
You can do this before or after you apply for admission to EFSC, but we recommend you do this first or as soon as possible because the application often takes a while to process. To submit your application:
- Visit the United States Department of Veterans Affairs “Apply Online” website
- Follow the directions until the end of the application process.
- If you are applying for Chapter 33 and you are eligible for Chapter 30, 1606 or 1607, you must opt out of one of these chapters you are eligible for in order to get Chapter 33 benefits.
- Submit your online veterans application and be sure to print a copy of the submitted application. Make sure you have a confirmation number at the bottom of the application.
The Joint Services Transcript is the source for Army/ Navy / Marine / Coast Guard transcripts.
- Army/ Navy / Marine Corps / Coast Guard – Visit the Joint Services Transcript Website
- Destination School is: Eastern Florida State College, 1519 Clearlake Road, Cocoa,
FL 32922, Attention Admissions.
Electronic transcript to be sent to: - Air Force – Community College of the Air Force
Go to the CCAF website and order an official transcript. If you are unable to order it through CCAF website, there is an additional link to Credentials, Inc. that has transcripts available for a small fee.
CCAF Commercial: 1-334-649-5000
Credentials Toll free: 1-800-646-1858
If you have not already applied to EFSC, visit the college's admissions section, which is organized by whether you’re a new EFSC student or returning or transferring. Follow the college’s separate admission steps and while completing those you can move on to Step 4.
Veterans are still eligible to apply for Financial Aid through the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We strongly encourage you to apply in the event that you need additional financial assistance while at EFSC. You could qualify for additional federal grants, such as the Pell Grant, which do not need to be repayed. Applying for Financial Aid also can serve as a backup for payment at the college if your benefits are delayed. Visit EFSC’s financial aid website for more information and contacts.
While appointments are not required to proceed with the use of VA Education Benefits
at EFSC, we highly recommend that you schedule an appointment with one of the Military
advisors to complete initial advising and planning, plus we help you with priority
course registration. To schedule an appointment, log in to myEFSC and use the link in the Student Services Appointments section to make a Military
& Veterans appointment. For in-person appointments, be sure to choose from the two
on-campus options.
Cocoa Campus
Building 11, Room 113
1519 Clearlake Rd.
Cocoa, FL 32922
Melbourne Campus
Bldg. 2, Rm. 125
3865 North Wickham Road
Melbourne, FL 32935
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR VETERANS IN A Career & Technical Certificate Clock Hours Program: Veteran or dependents of veterans using VA educational benefits for a Career and Technical (CTC) certificate program, formerly known as a PSAV program, cannot be certified for any online or hybrid courses. The VA requires all Career Certificate programs be certified in clock hours so only in-classroom classes can be certified for VA educational benefits.
Every student receiving VA Benefits must complete the certification process each term they use benefits. EFSC does not automatically process VA Education Benefits each term. The certification process is a first-come, first-serve style of processing and immediate submission of the certification paperwork allows the MVSC to evaluate the courses and contact the student with any issues before the semester begins.
Verification of enrollment is a separate process that is handled through the VA, sometimes on a monthly basis depending on what chapter benefits a student has qualified for. Review all requirements and reach out to the Military and Veterans Service Center team when you have questions.

Helping Veterans & Their Families
EFSC student Haleigh Redmond, shown on the left, is receiving VA educational benefits related to her dad's Air Force service. “The Veterans Center has been incredibly supportive,” says Haleigh. "I can talk to my advisor anytime, which has been amazing.” Offering a high level of student services has helped EFSC earn the Florida Dept. of Education's Purple Star Campus designation.