Student Housing Corporation
The Eastern Florida State College Student Housing Corporation, is a Florida not-for-profit corporation; and a direct support organization of Eastern Florida State College.
Established by the College’s District Board of Trustees on December 11, 2017, the Corporation provides a means for the development, financing, acquisition and construction of the College’s student housing facilities.
The College broke ground on August 12, 2019 for the first Melbourne Campus Student Housing Facility, with construction completed in time for students to move in for the start of Fall term classes in August 2020. A second Student Housing Facility on the Melbourne campus opened in August 2023. Spaces in the facilities are available through the housing application process.
The Student Housing Corporation is governed by a Board of Directors, who meet as needed, with meeting agendas and minutes shared in the tabbed box below.
Public comment is generally allowed during Board of Directors meetings, provided the comment relates to a matter to be considered at that meeting. Those who wish to make public comment must complete and submit a public comment request form at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the meeting’s call to order. Public comment will generally be limited to five (5) minutes per speaker and taken in the order in which request forms are received. A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is generally set aside during any meeting for public comment, unless extended by the Board’s Chairperson.
Housing Corporation Board Meeting agendas are posted here shortly before the scheduled meeting.
Housing Corporation Board Meeting minutes are posted here shortly after they are approved at the next scheduled meeting following the date of the minutes in question.