Important Reminder
Have you requested Teacher Notifications (TNs)?
Remember TNs are not sent automatically. Students must submit their TNs electronically
each semester through the SAIL Teacher Notification application after logging in to
the myEFSC Portal.
High school seniors, their families, and school professionals can explore the differences in accommodations for disabilities in college vs. high school during a Navigating the Transition virtual event this spring or summer. View dates and sign up now.
Accessibility/Disability Services
The Student Access for Improved Learning team, known as SAIL, is available to assist students and faculty Monday - Thursday, from 7:30 AM to 5 PM. On-campus and virtual appointments are available from 8 AM to 4:30 PM. SAIL offices are open for walk- in services, however appointments are encouraged to ensure student confidentiality.
To schedule an on-campus or virtual appointment, please call or email the Access Specialist on your campus using the contact list below.
The SAIL Mission
The SAIL Office at Eastern Florida State College serves as a resource for students, faculty, staff, and the community and strives to eliminate physical, instructional, and attitudinal barriers to create an accessible and inclusive environment.
In collaboration with faculty, staff, and the college administration, the SAIL team ensures that EFSC students with documented disabilities have equal access to programs and services and that reasonable accommodations are provided so that students may reach their individual potential.
The SAIL office also coordinates the free student counseling service known as EFSCares that is available to all part- and full-time students.
In order to maximize college outcomes (and beyond), SAIL encourages students to be self-advocates, be proactive, and to fully engage in their learning by utilizing the array of services and resources provided at EFSC.
We're here to help: Start by choosing your category.
We are pleased to provide this web resource as a guide to the services available to students with disabilities here at Eastern Florida State College. EFSC students who may need accommodations or services due to a documented disability should contact a SAIL office as soon as possible after registering for classes to begin the process and ensure the timely provision of support.
• Understand the transition from high school to college and the impact on the accommodation process and services
• Click here to start the accommodation request process
Once an accommodation plan has been put in place, stay in touch with your SAIL access specialist. It's a good idea to touch base at least once per semester to review your progress and plan for the next term. Click here to review the accommodation request process that includes steps for maintaining or changing your plan.
• Don't forget that Teacher Notifications are not automatic and must be sent out each semester! Log in to your myEFSC Portal and launch the Teacher Notification application to send out your TNs prior to the start of each semester.
• View Testing & Exam Accommodations Information
• Review Your Rights & Responsibilities related to the accommodation process
• Understand the Substitution Policies & Appeal Process that impacts your accommodation plan -- you'll do this by talking with a SAIL office representative so get in touch if you have questions about substituting a course, requirement or other process due to a disability.
• Check out these helpful resources: Find info and links to more information on everything from our academic support services available to all students, such as tutoring, note and test taking tips, email accessibility, and much more.
The Student Access for Improved Learning (SAIL) team is dedicated to supporting students with disabilities in obtaining academic accommodations to aid them in reaching their goals. As a parent or family member of a student with a disability, we have included some resources to help you better understand the transition process from high school to college.
College life poses different challenges and responsibilities for students and this
may be especially true for students with disabilities. When students enroll in college,
they are considered and treated as responsible adults by faculty and staff and must
self-advocate for themselves. Students must become adept at realistically assessing
and understanding their strengths, weaknesses, needs and preferences. Also, they must
become experts at communicating this information to other adults including instructors
and service providers. Although services will be available to them through the Student
Access for Improved Learning (SAIL) department, students will be responsible for seeking
out these services and supports. Good communication skills and knowledge about oneself
become crucial to success in college.
Ask yourself these two questions and let your answers guide your interactions as you
help your child navigate the transition:
- How well does my child describe disability information?
- How well does my child self-advocate?
High School to College Transition
It’s important to note the significant differences between the services provided in high school and college. View our SAIL webpage that describes the differences in the accommodation process and compares available services.
Understanding the SAIL Process
EFSC wants parents and families to be aware of the process our team uses to evaluate a student's need for accommodations. Click here to review the steps we follow and you can also view our Frequently Asked Questions page. Remember that under federal privacy guidelines we cannot discuss your student's case with you unless they have listed you on a release of information form submitted to our office.
The SAIL office serves as a resource and collaborative partner with all EFSC faculty and departments as you work to accommodate the needs of the College's students. Our team is available for consultation and can meet with you individually or as a part of a department meeting.
Guidelines for EFSC Faculty
1. Understand that once a student is qualified to receive accommodations, the college is legally responsible to ensure that the accommodations are provided.
2. Remember that academic accommodations are designed to enable students with disabilities to have access to the same programs and services available to other students, and to have their performances evaluated without the limiting effects of disability.
3. When accommodations are approved, you will be notified through EFSC's Teacher Notification Process. Be sure to verify receipt of the Teacher Notification Forms sent to you by SAIL. If accommodations include Testing/Exam Accommodations, view the information on that process for you and your students.
4. It is helpful and encouraged to include information about the SAIL Department in each class syllabus and review the information with students at the beginning of each term. The syllabus statement ensures that all students have been presented with information pertaining to accessibility and disability services at the start of the semester. A syllabus statement could read:
“Students with documented disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a Teacher Notification from the College's SAIL Department and discuss specific needs with the professor. The SAIL Department determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities.”
5. Be proactive by designing course work that will meet the needs of a majority of learners. Provide lecture notes, identify note-takers in each class, make copies of power point presentations, prerecord lectures and provide access to all students. These universally designed practices help ALL students.
Faculty Resources
• EFSC Institutional Rights & Responsibilities
• For more information, check out THE FACULTY ROOM website sponsored by the University of Washington’s DO-IT Project for accommodation strategies, faculty resources and more.
• Learn about Universal Design and its important role in providing accessibility to all students.
Cocoa Campus
Melbourne Campus
Palm Bay Campus
Titusville & Eastern Florida Online
All Locations
Fax: 321-433-7643
Campus Office Locations
Cocoa: Bldg. 11, Room 147
Melbourne: Bldg. 10, Room 118
Faculty and EFSCares inquiries should be directed to SAIL Administration:
Lisa Casillas, SAIL & Student Support Director; ADA Coordination, 321-433-5939
Emily Tonn, Associate Dean of Student Success & Support, 321-433-7715

The Accessibility Difference
Justin Miller, who was born with cerebral palsy, counted on the SAIL team to help him earn his A.A. degree and then his bachelor's.
At EFSC's Fall 2022 Commencement Ceremony, Justin rose out of his wheelchair to walk across the stage unassisted as he received his Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems Technology with a specialization in Cybersecurity.
Read Justin's Story