SAIL Contact Info

Campus Office Locations

Bldg. 11, Room 147
Bldg. 10, Room 118

Campus Contacts

Telephone: 321-433-7295

Telephone: 321-433-5650

Palm Bay
Telephone: 321-433-5868

Titusville & Eastern Florida Online
Telephone: 321-433-7278

Fax (All Locations) 

All Email Inquiries

How to Request Accommodations

The SAIL team is available to assist students and faculty Monday - Thursday, from 7:30 AM to 5 PM. On-campus and virtual appointments are available from 8 AM to 4:30 PM. SAIL offices are open for walk-in services, however appointments are encouraged to ensure student confidentiality. To schedule an on-campus or virtual appointment, please call the Access Specialist on your campus or use the department email from the list below.

Cocoa Campus


Melbourne Campus


Palm Bay Campus


Titusville Campus & Eastern Florida Online


Email All Locations

Faculty and EFSCares inquiries should be directed to SAIL Administration:

Lisa Casillas, SAIL & Student Support Director; ADA Coordination, 321-433-5939

Emily Tonn, Associate Dean of Student Success & Support, 321-433-7715

SAIL Blue icon

The process of requesting accommodations at Eastern Florida State College can start as soon as a student has applied and been accepted to the college. Students can call or visit a Student Access for Improved Learning (SAIL) office at any point in the process.

Accommodation Steps

Step 1: Complete the required student forms in the SAIL Application Packet

For official accommodations to be approved, EFSC students must complete all forms that are part of the SAIL Application Packet.

First, students fill out a Student Accessibility Application Form [Download form for writable/savable capability]

You must also read and sign the SAIL Policies and Procedures.

All of the required PDF forms and documents are contained in the SAIL Application Packet PDF. In some cases, individual PDF links are provided in the steps on this page to make it easier to share a form when needed, such as with a medical provider.

The Application Packet forms can be filled in electronically on your computer, signed digitally, and then submitted through the Student Document Dropbox. Printed forms filled in by hand can be submitted electronically by scanning and submitting them to the Student Document Dropbox or they can be brought to a SAIL office on the Cocoa or Melbourne campus. (See Document Dropbox directions and campus SAIL locations in Step 3).

Step 2: Provide disability documentation from a licensed provider

EFSC students have two options to provide supporting documentation, which must come from an official source such as:

  • Licensed Health care providers
  • High school/College records
  • Licensed Mental health care providers
  • Veterans Administration
  • Vocational Rehabilitation

Option 1: You may give the Disability Documentation Form to your provider for them to complete and return to the SAIL office. The form must be completed by a licensed professional and should preferably be typed rather than hand written. It may be faxed to the SAIL office directly from the physician's office. The SAIL fax number is 321-433-7643.

Option 2: You may provide the SAIL office with copies of medical records, evaluations or diagnostic reports that have been completed by a qualified professional and that meet these guidelines:

  1. Documentation is typed and on letterhead (*notes on prescription pads will not be accepted) and includes the diagnostician's name, title, professional credentials, date, and signature.
  2. Is current, within the last 5 years for Learning Disabilities is recommended, last 6 months for psychiatric disabilities, or last 3 years for all other disabilities (does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature)
  3. The specific diagnosis of the disability is clearly stated, not vague or inconclusive. A DSM-V diagnosis should be noted when appropriate.
  4. Include complete educational, developmental, and medical history relevant to the disability for which testing accommodations are being requested
  5. Includes a list of all test instruments used in the evaluation report and relevant scores used to document the stated disability (does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature)
  6. Describes the functional limitations within an academic setting resulting from the disability.
  7. Relevant medications and their potential side effects are noted.
  8. If possible, the documentation should include suggested accommodation(s) and/or auxiliary aid(s) for the student.
Step 3: Submit the Completed SAIL Application Packet

All of the completed forms that together make up the SAIL Application Packet can be submitted electronically via the Student Document Dropbox (see instructions below) or they can be dropped off at a SAIL office location.

Student Document Dropbox Instructions:

*This is the preferred method for submitting the SAIL application and documentation. Use the steps below. Click for additional dropbox tips, including a how-to video.
1. Log in to the myEFSC Portal with your college email address and password
2. Once logged in, find the section labeled Student Document Dropbox.
3. Click “Choose File” and select the completed SAIL application packet from your computer and then click “Open.”
4. Choose “SAIL” in the “Select Office” dropdown menu.
5. Click Upload.
6. Once uploaded, the document and its status will appear in the Student Document Dropbox section. When an Access Specialist has received your application packet, the status will change from “Uploaded” to “In-Progress."

SAIL Office Locations for Packet Drop-off:

Cocoa Campus: Building 11, Room 147
Melbourne Campus: Building 10, Room 118

Step 4: Schedule an Intake Interview with an Access Specialist

Intake Interviews are by appointment only and are a crucial part of the accommodation approval process. They can be conducted in person, over the phone, or by virtual video conference.

Access Specialists will discuss the student’s application packet, barriers the student faces in their academic environment, and any previous accommodations that were helpful. Students will be expected to explain how their disability impacts their life and daily functions.

Parents are welcome to come with the student, with the student’s permission.

You can also discuss possible testing accommodations with the SAIL advisor and  learn more about that process through the testing and exam accommodations webpage.

Once all intake information and forms have been submitted, please allow at least two weeks for processing. Therefore, it is highly advisable to submit all required documents early during the term. Please note that if you submit documentation/forms within 3 weeks of final exam week, any approved accommodations will not be available until the beginning of the next term.

Step 5: If accommodations are approved, schedule a Welcome Meeting to review the accommodation plan & Teacher Notification process

If accommodations are approved, you and the SAIL access specialist will schedule a Welcome Meeting so that the access specialist can:

• Review and explain the approved accommodations

• Provide instructions for When and How to electronically submit Teacher Notification (TN) Forms to instructors. These are emailed notices that are sent to EFSC instructors to alert the instructor of the accommodation(s) the student has been approved to receive. These notices allow the instructor to prepare for any accommodation(s) that may require a change to what they usually do.

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST submit your Teacher Notifications (TNs) online through the myEFSC Portal EVERY SEMESTER for your instructors to receive notice of your approved accommodations. They are not done automatically as the College needs your permission to send TNs each term. Get more details about how to submit the Teacher Notifications online through myEFSC. Also remember that even though you (the student) may give permission for a Teacher Notification to be sent to your instructor(s), it is still your responsibility to discuss the accommodation(s) with your instructor prior to or on the first day of class.

• Share information on resources and supports  that may be beneficial to you, such as the EFSC Academic Success Centers, Writing Centers, Testing Centers & procedures, etc.

Step 6: Monitor accommodations and update as needed

While Eastern Florida students are not required to update your accommodations every semester you may find that some are working well and others are not. We encourage you to interact with your SAIL access specialist at least once per semester to review your progress, see if alternate accommodations are warranted, and plan for the next semester. This is especially important if you require specific accommodations such as sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids.