SAIL Contact Info
Campus Office Locations
Bldg. 11, Room 147
Bldg. 10, Room 118
Campus Contacts
Telephone: 321-433-7295
Telephone: 321-433-5650
Palm Bay
Telephone: 321-433-5868
Titusville & Eastern Florida Online
Telephone: 321-433-7278
Fax (All Locations)
All Email Inquiries
Testing & Exam Accommodations
Information for EFSC Students and Faculty
EFSC provides accommodated testing services for students with disabilities who have been approved for testing accommodations through SAIL.
Testing accommodations are changes in test administration that enable students to participate in tests in a way that "level the playing field" so that instructors can accurately measure the student’s knowledge and skills.
Test accommodations are provided to eligible students with disabilities on a case-by-case basis determined by documented need and may include, but are not limited to:
- Extended time
- Reduced Distraction Test Location (this is considered a location with fewer distractions and less noise than the student's classroom
- Use of a calculator
- Test Scribe
The SAIL Department, EFSC Assessment Centers, and instructors will work collaboratively to accommodate student needs inclusively and most effectively, while ensuring test integrity and valid outcomes of the assessment process. Instructors may need to be flexible in their exam timing expectations. Students will be notified of approved testing accommodations as part of the SAIL team's accommodation review process. When approved, EFSC instructors will be notified of these accommodations through the Teacher Notification process. If the accommodation requested involves a TABE Waiver, visit the TABE page for more information.
The options for exam/test accommodations for students include:
- The student and instructor can collaborate to find a location that has fewer distractions and less noise than the classroom (an empty adjacent classroom, an office, etc.) Many colleges utilize this option for students who are approved for Reduced Distraction Test Locations and/or Extended Time as it gives students access to the instructor while testing (similar to the other students in the course) and reduces the back and forth transportation of the exams. The instructor or the instructor's designee may provide the accommodations/proctoring of the exams.
- The student can utilize a Campus Assessment Center. Instructors would complete the Instructor Lab Request from the faculty applications list inside the myEFSC Portal (same online form as is used for e-learning courses). Once an instructor's test request is approved, a student's exam will become available for scheduling in the EFSC RegisterBlast online system.
- Students needing specific or intensive support for testing (such as a scribe) may use a SAIL office. Students who are approved for using the SAIL office will be notified during the accommodation review process.
EFSC Students: If you are new to using the assessment centers, please do not hesitate to contact a SAIL Access Specialist or the Assessment Centers for support.
Faculty: If you are a new instructor, or new to the Instructor Lab Request process, please feel free to contact a SAIL Access Specialist or the Assessment Centers for support.