Resolutions: Issues or Disputes

We strive to ensure that EFSC students with documented disabilities have equal access to programs and services. Even with the best intent and best efforts of all involved, problems or disagreements may arise.

If you have an issue or concern with a disability related issue, please report your issue to SAIL Director Lisa Casillas at 321-433-5939 or via email at:

The Director will work within the resources of the College to resolve the issue. If the problem is still not resolved, you can contact Ms. Darla Ferguson, AVP Human Resources/Chief Civil Rights Compliance Officer at 321-433-7080 or via email at:

Eastern Florida State College will make every effort to resolve the conflict by informal means. Throughout this process, you can expect to be treated with dignity and respect, receive timely responses, and have issues handled in a confidential manner as guided by federal law. The College expects the student to bring up any issue as soon as possible, provide clear and detailed information, follow the outlined procedure, and to be respectful of the people who are involved.

Students may also file a complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights at: Atlanta Office; U.S. Department of Education: 61 Forsyth Street S.W., Suite 19T10, Atlanta, GA 30303-8927; Telephone 404-974-9406; email:

Formal procedures for appealing administrative and academic procedures can be found in the appeals section of the Student Handbook