News and Events

A male student playing the trombone while reading sheet music

EFSC to Host Spring Jazz and Concert Band Events in April

An image that says Spring Choral Concert with musical notes and white florals

Brevard Chorale Plans Spring Concerts in April

Six students in a rehearsal on a black stage

EFSC Theatre Students to Perform Play 'The Lark' April 4-6

A male and female respiratory care student team intubates a mannequin

Respiratory Care Program Open House Planned for April 9th

two female dental assisting students in purple scrubs making teeth impressions

EFSC Dental Assisting Program Holding March 4th Open House

Man, Dr. Phil Simpson, standing in front of image in a classroom that says Success

Dr. Phil Simpson Promoted to EFSC Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs

Dr. Robert Lamb, a man with short hair in a blazer in a black and white photo, smiling and conducting an unseen orchestra with a baton

EFSC Music Professor Named to FCSAA Hall of Fame

female sitting in a wheelchair lifting a barbell with a male physical therapist assistant student supervising

EFSC Physical Therapist Assistant Program to Host Panel Discussions in February and April

Man in suit at podium with students in scrubs in background

EFSC President Lauded for Vision and Leadership; Trustees Extend Contract

EMT students standing around a dummy on a table learning about medical techniques.

Emergency Medical Technician Program Accepting Applications Through March 9th for Summer Term

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