Accepted Student Information
All accepted students in the Dental Assisting ATD program will be required to submit a completed physical exam form with proof of immunizations and/or titers prior to entrance. (Physical exam forms will be available only to accepted students.) However, a physical exam and physician's statement may be required by the Admission's Committee if there is a question of the applicant's ability to meet established program Performance Standards -
All accepted students will be required to purchase the "Allied Health Liability Insurance" and "Education/Training Student Accident Insurance" through EFSC. The cost of this insurance is included in course fees and it is charged once every twelve months. Personal health insurance is strongly recommended. -
CPR Certification:
All accepted students will be required to have a current American Heart Association "BLS for Health Care Providers" CPR certification prior to start of fall semester (start of clinical portion of the program). This must be renewed every two years. -
Background check and Drug Screening (Criminal History Information Request):
This is required of all accepted students. Information will be provided at new student orientation. The vendor charges students directly for these services. For more information go visit the Background Check & Drug Screening page. -
All students accepted must attend the mandatory orientation. At orientation, you will receive the Dental Assisting Student Handbook, necessary forms, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions. -
General education and support courses must be successfully completed with a grade of "C" or better to satisfy Dental Assisting program requirements for graduation.