Woman dental assistant and child patient looking at x-ray of teeth

Program Expenses

The following is a listing of approximate costs for the Dental Assisting certificate program and is subject to change. In addition to these costs, the candidate should allow for room, board, transportation, and personal living expenses. Please tuition for non-Florida residents is a higher rate per credit hour, which will increase total fees accordingly.

Information on financial assistance is available through the Financial Aid Office.

Estimated expenses - Dental Assisting
Expense Item Cost
*Tuition- 50 credit hours (in-state rate) $5,200.00 

Lab Fees

*Lab fees for Outreach program will be higher, due to distance learning (online) courses






National Board Examination 


Physical Examination & Immunizations (cost will vary)


Graduation Fee


Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening 


Estimated Total Cost


*Fees subject to change