IT Support will be closed for Spring Break from 12:01 AM, Monday, March 17, 2025 until 7 AM, Monday, March 24 when normal phone service will resume. Please note the updated weekend hours as well.
IT Support Desk
The EFSC IT Support Desk serves as the single point of contact between students, faculty and staff and the Information Technologies Department. The IT Support Desk staff will assist you with your questions, requests, and suggestions or route them to the appropriate area for resolution.
Support Desk Hours:
Monday through Friday: 7 AM to midnight
Saturday and Sunday: Noon to midnight
Call: 321-433-7600
Submit an IT Ticket for Assistance
Online Resources: Frequently Asked Questions
- Your EFSC Titans student email address was sent to you when you were accepted to EFSC. As of May 9, 2023, you must use this student email address, along with your password, to log in to the myEFSC Portal and other online applications accessed through Titan Sign In.
- Your Student Identification Number is your 8-digit number that begins with a capital "B"
- If you do not know your Email Address or Student ID Number, visit the Email and ID Look-Up page. You must protect your ID number, as it is your gateway to your student records and must be listed on certain EFSC forms.
- Your Student ID number can also be found once logged in to myEFSC by clicking the myGPS icon to visit the degree self-audit system where it will be listed.
- Visit the Titan Self-Service Dashboard to log in or if needed, to reset your login password.
- If you are not able to obtain your Student ID number through the online options above, please contact the Admissions Office at any campus. EFSC faculty and staff should call Human Resources.
- Because your student ID number is protected information, you cannot receive your number over the phone. Your records are protected by the Family Education and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and will not be provided to anyone other than yourself without written permission.
- Your Password is used to log in to the secure area along with your EFSC email address.
- For newly admitted students: initial log-in information related to your password is included in your acceptance letter and email.
- Previously admitted and returning students: your myEFSC password is the password you last used to log in. If you forgot that password, visit the Titan Sign In dashboard and click the “Forgot Password” option. You can also use that Titan Sign In self-service dashboard to reset your password or log in.
- If you need assistance with your password, contact IT Support.
myEFSC & Titan Web preferred browser list (latest version):
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
To Access myEFSC:
- Log in to myEFSC
- You can also access myEFSC through the Logins dropdown menu at the top of the College website and inside the drop-down menu on a mobile device.
Username: Enter your Titan email address.
Password: Enter your password (same password used for registration, grades, etc.)
myEFSC is Eastern Florida State College's portal that allows students, faculty, and
staff to access all the resources needed to be successful. With one login, you can
access all resources important to your role at the college!
View the Student Services Online Quick Reference Guide for more tips and information on the services available through myEFSC.
Outlook Live is Eastern Florida State College's official student email system. You can log in through this link to read and send your EFSC Titans student email.
You can look up your student email address through the Student ID and Email Look-Up online tool.
You also may obtain your email ID by logging into myEFSC, choosing the TitanWeb icon and selecting the "personal information" link, followed by the "View Email Addresses/or Network ID" link.
Your email address will also be included in your EFSC acceptance letter.
If you experience further problems, please contact the IT Tech Support Desk at (321) 433-7600 or submit a ticket through the online IT Support System.
Visit our student email page for more information.
After logging in to your myEFSC account, locate and click the Canvas icon to gain access. New students will receive a Canvas account after registering for a course as early as a few weeks prior to the beginning of a term. Accounts can take up to 24 hours to be created after registering for a course.
Courses may also start appearing in a Canvas account closer to the beginning of a term, but they may not be published by the instructor until the first day of class. After registering for a course, it may take up to 24 hours before the course is available in the account. You may be able to access the course in the morning hours the following day.
View this Knowledge Base article for more details.
For further assistance with Canvas you may:
- Contact the IT Support Desk at 321-433-7600 or submit a ticket through the online IT Support System.
- Select the "Help" link within Canvas and then either select "Search the Canvas Guides" or "Report a Problem".
- Current Canvas system status is available at
The Canvas Orientation course (PLT-6007) can be found on the Dashboard as soon as you access your Canvas account and in the Courses menu. This is a separate orientation course from the general New Student Orientation (TitanPreview). The Canvas Orientation provides an overview of how to navigate Canvas, communicate with your instructor and classmates, and submit assignments.
It is important to complete this orientation as soon as possible since it is required before a student can turn in assignments and appear properly on the instructor’s roster. After successfully reviewing each Module in the orientation course and clicking the Finish Orientation button on the last page, the orientation will be complete and full Student access will be granted for each course a student is registered for.
View this Knowledge Base article for more details.
Students who are currently enrolled may login to student campus computers using the same Username and Password required for myEFSC (Titan Sign In). Students in a classroom using a different sign-in method should first contact their instructor for assistance.
Eastern Florida State College provides campuswide wireless access for staff, faculty, and students.
Login to myEFSC to access the current WiFi password.
For questions about WiFi access contact the IT Support Desk at 321-433-7600, open 7am to midnight, seven days a week.
Visit this Knowledge Base article for instructions and other related articles on how to install the Microsoft 365 programs.
Visit our Microsoft 365 web page for general information.
The following browsers are compatible with the EFSC website and various applications. For the best experience, update to the latest version.
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
Internet Explorer (IE) is not recommended and is not compatible with Canvas. Microsoft retired the IE browser and all support for it on June 15, 2022.
You may sometimes need to clear your browser cache for the latest version of a page or PDF to load properly.