Early College Credit Option

ECCO Program Purpose and Overview

The Early College Credit Option (ECCO) provides admitted Eastern Florida State College dual enrollment students in grades 6-12 the opportunity to:

  1. Retake a dual enrollment course one time only for grade forgiveness on the student’s college record
  2. Enroll in EFSC courses not available through Dual Enrollment.
  3. Register for additional EFSC courses beyond the number permitted through Dual Enrollment.

Credits earned using the ECCO will count toward the student’s associate degree or college credit certificate and the grade will be posted on the student’s college transcript. The credits will NOT count toward high school graduation and the grade earned in the course will not be posted on the student’s high school transcript.

Because the student is not earning credit toward high school graduation (dual credit), the student is not considered dual enrolled in a course taken through ECCO and will be responsible for the payment of tuition and fees and required instructional materials.

ECCO Eligibility Criteria

Students must meet the following requirements to enroll in a course through the Early College Credit Option (ECCO):

  1. Be in grades 6-12 and meet dual enrollment eligibility requirements.
  2. Attend a public school, private school that has an articulation agreement with EFSC, or home school program that is in compliance with FS 1007.271(13).
  3. Have college-ready placement test scores in Reading and Writing on accepted college placement test at EFSC.

Student Costs Through ECCO

Public, private, and home school students taking a class through the Early College Credit Option (ECCO) will be:

  1. Responsible for the same tuition and fees that are charged to non-dual enrollment EFSC students; fees must be paid in compliance with EFSC tuition and fee schedule.
  2. Automatically enrolled in the Titan First Day Ready Program and charged $25 per credit hour to cover the cost of required instructional materials. 

ECCO Registration Process

Students taking a course(s) through the Early College Credit Option must download and complete the ECCO Registration Form. Students may register for classes using ECCO during fall, spring, and summer terms.

Students using the ECCO option may register for any Eastern Florida college credit course for which they are qualified so long as the course is eligible for credit toward an associate degree or college credit certificate and is not part of a limited access program or otherwise prohibited by Florida statute or EFSC. Developmental courses may not be taken through ECCO.