Accepted Student Requirements
After you're accepted to the Paramedic program:
1. Health: All students accepted into the Eastern Florida State College Paramedic Program will be required to submit a completed physical exam form prior to entrance into the clinical agency. (Physical Exam forms will only be available to those students accepted). However, a physical exam and/or physician's statement may be required by the Admissions Committee if there is a question of the applicant's ability to meet established program criteria.
2. Insurance: All accepted Paramedic program students are required to purchase and are covered by the Allied Health Liability Insurance and also the Education/Training Student Accident Insurance through EFSC. The cost of this insurance coverage is included in course fees. This policy will cover students during their training.
Proof of EFSC health insurance is mandatory and for your own protection in the event of any exposures.
3. Undergo Background Check. All accepted students will be required to complete a background check and a drug screen. The cost for this is currently $200. This should not be done until instructed to do so by the paramedic program staff.
4. Review EMS Student Handbook. The Emergency Medical Services Student Handbook is divided into three (3) parts. The first summarizes general Eastern Florida State College information. The second section highlights the administrative or programmatic portion of the EMS Department. The third section on academics relates to all things in the classroom, lab, and while performing clinical rotations.
Vicki Schnider, Program Specialist
Melbourne Campus, Building 8,
Room 201-N
Melissa Walker, Student Advisor
Melbourne Campus, Building 8,
Room 201-B
Kim Eddleman, EMS Program Manager
Melbourne Campus, Building 8, Room 201-J
Orlando Dominguez, EMS Program Director
Melbourne Campus, Building 8, Room 201-F