Transition to A.S. Nursing Application & Selection Process
Annual Application Deadlines
⇒ May 15th for Fall Term Start
⇒ September 1st for Spring Term Start
The Transition to Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program is a hybrid, 13-month program designed specifically for Licensed Practical Nurses, Paramedics and registered/certified Respiratory Therapists who carry a license in the state of Florida.
Admission to the Nursing program is limited. Students are chosen based on Selection Guidelines and students must complete all requirements in the special Application Process that is in addition to the EFSC general admissions process.
Students accepted for the Transition to RN program will be awarded advanced standing in the Eastern Florida State College ADN program.
All A.S. degree-seeking students must satisfy entry assessment requirements. Admission requirements are subject to change for compliance with accreditation standards.
Selection Guidelines
Please use the following checklist and information to guide your application. Specific steps for the application process are explained in the accordion below these guidelines.
Preparation for the Transition to RN Program
Required Eligibility: Students who are eligible for this program are Licensed Practical Nurses, Paramedics, and registered/certified Respiratory Therapists who carry a license in the state of Florida with a minimum of one year of work experience in their respective fields. Exception: Recent EFSC LPN graduates may apply to the Transition program directly after graduation. See a Health Science Advisor for more information.
Required: All applicants must take the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) test, Version VII. Required TEAS scores must be above a 69% in Reading. However, students with higher TEAS scores, will be preferred. Students may take the TEAS three times per academic year. The highest score will be used. Scores for the TEAS are good for two years. Visit the EFSC TEAS page for details about on-campus and remote TEAS options and registration.
Required: All applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the sciences (General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology 1 & 2, and Microbiology). Transfer students applying to EFSC should allow sufficient time for transcripts to be evaluated prior to the application deadline. Transfer coursework must be from an accredited institution.
Recommended: It is in the best interest for applicants to meet with a health science advisor prior to taking the prerequisite courses to ensure that the student understands all the requirements for admission into the ADN program. Additionally, it is highly recommended that students meet with a health science advisor during the semester that they are applying.
Academic Performance Standards
Required: General Education and support/prerequisite courses must be completed with a "C" or better by the application deadline (note the exception below for graduating EFSC Practical Nursing students).
General Education and Prerequisite Courses
Course Code | Course | Credits |
ENC 1101 | Composition 1 | 3 |
BSCC 1010 | General Biology | 4 |
Social/Behavioral/Civic Literacy Core Requirement | 3 | |
Mathematics Core Requirement | 3 | |
Humanities Core Requirement | 3 | |
Credits Needed: 16 |
Support Courses*
Course Code | Course | Credits |
BSCC 2093 | Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | 4 |
BSCC 2094 | Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 | 4 |
PSY 2012 | General Psychology 1 | 3 |
MCBC 2010 | Microbiology for Health Sciences | 4 |
Credits Needed: 15 | ||
*A grade of "C" or higher is necessary in all support courses for progression and graduation. |
- All developmental education classes (if applicable) must be completed prior to the application deadline.
Academic Exception:
- Students may elect to retake General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology 1 & 2, and Microbiology to improve their grades, if desired. The higher grade will be honored.
Experiential Standards
Applicants must have completed a minimum of one year of work experience under their Florida licensure as an LPN, paramedic, or respiratory therapist to be eligible to apply to the Transition to Nursing ADN program. Documentation is required with a work experience form signed by your employer and a copy of your current license.
Experiential Exception:
EFSC Practical Nursing students are eligible to apply to the Transition to Nursing ADN program immediately after graduation from the EFSC Practical Nursing/LPN program with little to no work experience.
- If you graduate from the EFSC Practical Nursing program within one year of the Transition to RN application deadline, you must submit the following: Proof of obtained license/certification OR proof of appointment for license/certification (with exam date no later than July of the Transition RN application year).
- You must have completed a minimum of three prerequisite academic courses and be enrolled for at least two of the remaining degree completion courses for the summer semester. Graduating EFSC Practical Nursing students must see an academic advisor for assistance in planning a degree completion timeline.
Please tell us about yourself, your motivations for a nursing career, and your interests in EFSC as your selected institution of higher learning. Complete the following:
1. Personal writing essay: This essay is a writing sample illustrating your communication and writing skills, and motivation for entering the profession of nursing. Please tell us why you want to be a nurse in 250-500 words. This is your personal statement.
2. Recommendation Letters: Please submit 1-3 recommendation letters pertinent to academic and/or healthcare experience. Letters of Recommendation must be signed.
3. Co-Curriculars/Honors/Awards/Accolades: Please share your participation in extracurricular activities, community involvement, honors and/or awards and/or leadership roles.
4. Certifications/Credentials/Work Experience/Life Experience
5. Complete five (5) short questions with answers that address the following:
1. Working with people from different backgrounds or cultures can be complex. Can
you tell us about a time when you were challenged to adapt to people from different
backgrounds or cultures from your own? What did you do to resolve the situation?
2. Provide us with five (5) adjectives describing your strengths and five (5) adjectives
describing your weaknesses.
3. Identify five essential character traits you believe are needed in nursing.
4. Describe any community service, leadership experience, and/or healthcare experience
you believe will contribute to your success in nursing school and career in nursing.
5. Obtaining a college degree requires persistence and the ability to stay focused
on the end result. Share with us a long-term goal that you had, the steps/process
you took to obtain that goal, and how you overcame any obstacles that you encountered.
This goal could be academic, personal, or extracurricular in nature.
Application Steps: Transition Program
All application materials and paperwork must be turned in to the Nursing and Health Sciences Admissions and Advising office on the Melbourne Campus (Building 15, Room 101) by the May 15th or September 1st deadline. All applicants will be notified by mail of their status for the program approximately 8-10 weeks after the deadline. It is the applicant’s responsibility to review the completed application folder to be submitted to the selection committee.
Follow the steps below, guided by the Transition to RN Selection Guidelines shared above. If you have questions, reach out to Health Sciences Advising at 321-433-7575 or healthscience@easternflorida.edu.
See a Health Sciences Advisor to go over admissions criteria, deadlines, testing requirements, and set up a course plan for completing prerequisite classes.
Students with myEFSC access should schedule Health Sciences Advising using the link in the Student Services Appointments section of myEFSC. Future Students with no EFSC login, use the guest appointment button.
Proceed with this step based on whether you are a new, former or current student using
the information below.
New Students: Apply for General Admission to EFSC using the online application system and pay the $30 application fee. Send all official college transcripts to an EFSC General Admissions Office. Complete the online New Student Orientation and submit residency documentation to EFSC's General Admissions Office. Learn more about the admissions process and general admissions contacts.
Please note that application processing can take up to 14 days due to the current volume of applications. Check your email frequently for your acceptance letter.
Returning (Readmit) Students: Students who have not attended EFSC in over a year must apply online to EFSC as a readmit student. Please note that if you are a returning or re-admit student who previously applied to EFSC before October 17, 2018, you will need to create a new account in the College's updated online application system, which uses your email address and a password you create for easy login. Update all pages of the application. Submit any official transcripts earned since last attending EFSC (if applicable), and turn in residency documentation to General Admissions. Visit the admissions website to learn more about the readmit process.
CURRENT STUDENTS: Current Students may move on to the next step.
Take the prerequisite support and general education courses outlined in the Selection Criteria, take the TEAS test, and see a health science advisor.
The program has a separate health sciences online application in addition to the general EFSC application. Your EFSC general admissions acceptance letter will include your Student email address and password required to access the myEFSC Student Portal. You will use those credentials to log in and submit the limited access Health Sciences application. The limited access application has a $25 application fee and must be properly submitted by the application deadline.
Please note you can submit the program application while working on submitting other required documents.
The following items must be submitted to Health Science Admissions, Melbourne Campus, Building 15, Room 101, 3865 North Wickham Rd, Melbourne, FL 32935 by the application deadline.
Dropping off the documents in person at the Melbourne Campus Nursing and Health Sciences Admissions office is preferred. However, if you cannot come to the campus to submit your documents, they can be faxed or emailed. If emailing, please combine documents that you are submitting into one PDF file. When this is not possible, please attach all your PDF documents to one email, sent to healthscience@easternflorida.edu by the application deadline. Please use your EFSC Titans email address. You will get a confirmation email that your PDF documents have been received.
If you are FAXing your documents, please include your phone number if you want confirmation of receipt. The FAX number is 321-433-7579.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to review the completed application folder to be submitted for admission to the selection committee.
- Online Application to the Transition to RN Associate Degree Nursing Program as explained in the step above, with application fee paid online or to the Student Accounts Business Office.
- All unofficial transcripts: Student copy from all colleges and universities attended, including EFSC. Transcripts from other colleges should be evaluated by the Registrar’s Office prior to the application deadline.
- TEAS scores: See more about registering for the TEAS test.
- Healthcare Work Experience Form – must be completed by Job Supervisor(s)
- Essay, five short answer questions and other information you are submitting per the instructions in the Attributes section of the Selection Guidelines
- One to three letters of recommendation
- Copy of current, active Florida LPN, Paramedic or Respiratory Therapist License / Certification
- Copy of your current American Heart Association Certifications
- Recent EFSC LPN grads must submit proof of obtained license/certification OR proof of appointment for license/certification (with exam date no later than June of the Transition RN application year)
- Folders that are not complete for any reason will not be reviewed.
Eastern Florida State College is dedicated to providing a nondiscriminatory environment which promotes equal access, equal educational opportunity, and equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, race, national origin, color, ethnicity, genetic information, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, marital status, veteran status, ancestry, or political affiliation in its programs, activities, or employment.
EFSC recognizes the rights of students and applicants with disabilities, including those with hepatitis B, under the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.