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EFSC Grading Policies

Eastern Florida State College uses a 4.00 grading scale. Students are awarded letter grades for coursework attempted. Instructors determine the scores they will use to calculate the letter grade in their class.

Viewing Your Grades

EFSC does not mail grades to students and grades cannot be provided over the phone. Grades are available in a printable format on the College website by logging in to the myEFSC Portal the day after the date final grades are due from instructors. You can view a current term's grades in the Titan Web Services area. Previous terms are under Student Records/Final Grades.

Grade Changes, Forgiveness and Academic Second Chance

The EFSC Academic Catalog outlines the processes and guidelines related to Grade Changes and Grade Forgiveness.

Academic Second Chance allows qualified students to petition for up to two semesters of coursework to be excluded from the student's cumulative GPA. All quality points from the courses within the Academic Second Chance semester will be removed from the academic record and any passing grades will not be used for degree completion. Coursework eligible for Academic Second Chance must be at least five years old and the student must have completed a minimum of 12 credits with a "C" or better since re-enrollment. Students inquiring about Academic Second Chance petition procedures and qualifications should meet with an academic advisor.

The letter grades and point scale used in your Grade Point Average (GPA) computation at EFSC are:

A Excellent 4 points
B Good 3 points
C Satisfactory 2 points
D Poor* 1 point
F Failure 0 points

* A "D" grade earned in English, math, humanities, or social or behavioral science course work will not satisfy general education requirements for the A.A. and some A.S. degree programs and will be counted only as elective credit.

Satisfactory (S) and Unsatisfactory (U) letter grades are not used when computing grades.

Incompletes and Other Grades Not Used in GPA Computation

The following accordion contains information about grades that are not factored in when computing a student's GPA, and that have special requirements. You'll also find information about requesting an Incomplete and working with the course instructor to complete work so an Incomplete grade can be changed. Click each choice to read details and visit the EFSC Catalog for more information on these grades.

AU: Audit

A final grade of "AU" is awarded to a student who enrolls in a credit class for enrichment but not for credit. The student must request the audit status in writing by the deadline published in the academic calendar. Student must pay the regular fees and meet appropriate course prerequisites. No credit is earned. To change enrollment from credit to audit or audit to credit, a student must contact the Admissions and Records Office before the established deadline. College developmental education courses may not be audited. Clock hour and courses in limited access programs may only be audited with special permission.

Note: Financial Aid and Veteran students will not receive benefits for audit classes.

I: Incomplete

At the instructor’s discretion, a grade of “I – Incomplete” may be given when a student is unable to complete the required coursework because of clearly documented extenuating circumstances; however, the student must have demonstrated through successful completion of at least 75% of the coursework that they have a reasonable chance of making a passing grade.

Instructors who award a grade of “I” must submit an Incomplete Grade Form (IGF) and provide a copy of the form to the student and academic chair. The instructor must document on the IGF the work already completed during the term, as well as outstanding requirements.

Course work must be completed by the student by the last class day of the following major term. Major terms are spring and fall; summer is excluded.

• A grade of “I” cannot be assigned to a course if the student drops or withdraws from the course.

• A grade of “I” does not satisfy the prerequisite need of subsequent courses.

• Student will not re-register for the course but must make arrangements with the instructor to complete coursework for the removal of the “I”. If work is not completed prior to the last class day in the next major term, the "I" will convert to a final grade of "F." If student wishes to retake the course, student MUST re-register and pay for the course, and then request grade forgiveness.

• To process the grade change, the instructor will submit a Grade Change Form through appropriate channels prior to the last class day of the next major term (spring and fall).

• Instructors may not submit a Grade Change Form to change the converted “F” for work submitted after the deadline for the completion of coursework.

• An “I” received in the term of graduation will be calculated as an “F” for purposes of computing the student’s GPA for graduation if the course is not required for graduation.

• If the course is required for graduation, students who receive an “I” grade in the term they apply to graduate have three weeks from the beginning of the next term to have the grade changed. After that time, students must reapply for graduation and pay the reapplication fee in the term they complete the work.

N: Not All Course Objectives Met

“N” grades are awarded only in college developmental education courses when the student has made satisfactory progression in work attempted, but has not achieved all course objectives. To pass the class, re-enrollment is required.

W: Withdrawal

Students who submit a request to officially withdraw from a course by the deadline published in the academic calendar will receive a final grade of “W” in the course.

Students may also be administratively withdrawn from a class for reasons such as non-compliance of rules, not academically participating in a class (for example, not physically attending a face-to-face class or not submitting online activities in an online class), or other extenuating circumstances.

See information about how to withdraw from a course and also review details on Maximum Course Attempt Appeals related to attempting a class more than three times.

W6: Withdrawn for Military Duty

This is assigned to students who are called to active military duty. Students impacted must submit a copy of their orders to the appropriate Collegewide Chair.

The student and Collegewide Chair will determine whether the student will withdraw from the course and receive a final grade of "W6", or if an "I - Incomplete" is appropriate.

A “W6” is non-punitive and does not count in course attempts.