Study Abroad Through EFSC
EFSC plans study abroad trips to destinations all over the world, with trip dates and requirements subject to change. Dates for future trips will be provided here when available.
Upcoming & Potential Trips
Requirements for Every Trip
All study abroad trips have these general requirements:
- You must be 18 years or older on the departure date or travel with a parent or guardian.
- You must be an EFSC student or become one in order to register for a class. Information on applying to EFSC can be found on our Admissions page.
- All EFSC study abroad trips require you to register for a specific EFSC course — and
you must be academically eligible to take the designated course connected with the
trip. You can register for the class by seeing an advisor on any of our campuses.
- If you don't wish to earn college credit, you may register with an audit status by completing and submitting an Audit Form to the Admissions and Records Office by the published deadline. Important Note: A student may change from credit to audit or from audit to credit status by the term's
published deadline only.
- International trips require a passport. If you don't have a current passport, it's important to apply as early as possible, as the process can take up to several weeks. If you do have a passport, make sure it doesn't need to be renewed. If you are a non-U.S. citizen, you must obtain your own travel visa. Passport applications can be obtained at several sites throughout Brevard County.

Student Spotlight
“It opened my mind and was one of the best experiences of my life. It feels like vacation,
but you’re learning a lot. I met new people, made friends, and enjoyed new experiences
with them.”
— Hailey Lane, Study Abroad in Greece