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First Year Experience

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First Year Experience text with grad cap on letter "F"First Year Experience is a collegewide initiative to connect all new students with Eastern Florida State College resources — plus connect you with each other as you learn about student life, support services, and the overall college culture.

Whether you're a first-time in college high school grad, a former dual enrolled student, a transfer or bachelor student of any age, First Year Experience (nicknamed FYE) is for you if you're new to EFSC!

We're kicking off FYE with special Welcome and Field Day events on August 7th & 8th for incoming Fall Term 2024 students. These events are focused on fun! They are not your required first-time in college or bachelor program advising sessions. Instead they're a chance for you to get a head start on feeling supported and becoming part of the college community before classes even start.

RSVP Now: Don't Miss the Fun!

Hosted at the Melbourne Campus Student Union, First Year Experience 2024 is for students from ALL campuses. Review the details for each event, then be sure to RSVP for both or either one so we can roll out the red carpet and have your free goodies waiting for you!

Welcome Event: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 - 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Pick up your free Welcome Kit (that includes a t-shirt and other college swag) then spend the first hour visiting tables for each college department. At about 9:30 AM, we'll gather as a group so you can get info and insider tips on all the topics that help you get off to a successful start Fall Term. Plus there will be more free time after to connect with college staff one-on-one and ask follow-up questions.

Field Day: Thursday, August 8, 2024 - 10 AM to 2 PM

Check out the fun side of college life with outdoor games (can you say giant Jenga?!), free food, water activities, and more.

We'd love for you to attend both events, but it's fine to sign up for only one.
Space is limited to the first 500 to sign up, so don't delay!

REGISTER NOW: Choose Your Event Sessions

Monthly FYE Events On All Four Campuses

After our big kick-off in August, your FYE team plans to hold ongoing, monthly connect activities on each campus for you to receive the latest helpful info, support, programming, and more! Being a new-to-EFSC student can be a bit overwhelming so getting involved with First Year Experience helps ease the transition.