Service Locations
ID Cards & Parking Permit services are available at the following locations Monday
- Thursday, 8 AM - 8 PM.
Cocoa Campus:
Building 1, Front Lobby
Melbourne Campus:
Building 1, Room 107
Palm Bay Campus:
Building 1, Room 112
Titusville Campus:
Building 3, Room 106
Reporting Emergencies:
First call 911 and the dispatcher will initiate a response and contact campus security.
Parking Permit Information
All vehicles operated by students, employees, or contracted employees in connection with attendance or working at Eastern Florida State College MUST display a valid and current parking decal. Those parking on campus must follow all regulations to avoid citations and fines. Remember that the speed limit on all campuses is just 15 miles-per-hour so slow down.
Select your category in the accordion below and follow the steps to get a parking permit. Parking decals are to be displayed and affixed to the left (driver’s side) rear bumper OR the outside left (driver’s side) rear window of the vehicle.
Multiple Vehicle Registrations: If multiple vehicles will be used on a frequent and continuous basis, you must get a parking permit for each vehicle.
Temporary parking passes are available for guests, visitors, and other parking situations that may warrant a temporary pass and will be evaluated by an authorized agent of the College. Temporary parking passes are available on each campus at the location listed in the Service Location box on this page.
Parking decals give the registered holders the privilege of parking on campus, but do not guarantee a desired parking space. The inability to find a desired parking space is not considered a valid excuse for violating any parking regulation.
The College assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents while operated or parked on property used for the purposes of Eastern Florida State College.
Academic Year Parking Decal Options
(Please Note: Prices effective July 1, 2024)
- Permit valid for Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms: $50 (plus tax)
- Fall or Spring Term Only Decals: $25 (plus tax)
- Summer Term Only Decal: $15 (plus tax)
To purchase a parking permit, EFSC students must follow these steps:
- Log in to the myEFSC portal using your student email and Password, and then choose "Titan Web."
- Click on the "Parking Permits" link in the Student Records section. (You can also use the "Parking Permit" shortcut under Student Applications). If the vehicle you need to purchase a permit for is already registered, follow the steps to purchase a permit. If not, fill out the details to add a vehicle and request a permit.
- Once you've submitted the request, your account will be charged the permit fee based on the term, plus tax/per vehicle, and the request for a parking permit decal will be processed. The permit cost will be charged to your student account and the cost can be paid following the student accounts payment process.
- Titan Web Services will provide a temporary parking permit, which students can print and display on the left-hand side of the vehicle's dashboard for seven days.
- Once purchased, the system will allow you to print a temporary parking permit and before it expires you must pick up your permanent stick-on permit at the service location listed in the box on this page.
- Once the parking permit has been obtained, it must be affixed to the left (driver’s side) rear bumper OR the outside left (driver’s side) rear window of the vehicle. Permits that are taped or affixed inside of a window will be cited. Motorcycles must have the permit affixed in an easily visible place.
- If you have any questions about this process, please contact your Campus Security Office.
There is no cost to Eastern Florida State College faculty, staff, and adjuncts for
parking permits. Use the online system to request a parking permit.
- Log in to myEFSC and click the "Parking Decal System" link in the Quick Links section.
- You can also access the "Parking Permits" shortcut in the Employee Applications section of the portal landing page.
- Enter the required information and follow the prompts until a temporary permit is created.
- Employees can print and display the Temporary Permit on the left-hand side of the vehicle's dashboard for seven days.
- Once purchased, the system will allow you to print a temporary parking permit and before it expires you must pick up your permanent stick-on permit at a location listed in the box on this page.
Any student who routinely parks on an EFSC campus is required to purchase a parking permit. This applies to UCF students, plus students from other colleges and universities who may routinely visit EFSC for services such as proctored exams.
The cost of the permit is non-refundable once purchased.
How to Purchase & Obtain the Required Permit
1. Be prepared with your vehicle's make, model, color, year, and license plate number,
plus have a credit card available for the online payment.
2. Visit the Non-EFSC Student Parking Permit system to request and purchase the permit.
3. Once purchased, the system will allow you to print a temporary parking permit and
before it expires you must pick up your permanent stick-on permit at a location listed in the box on this page.
4. Adhere the permit on the left, rear of the vehicle either on the bumper or the
rear window.
Annual Parking Decals are valid for Fall, Spring and Summer Terms and are $50 (plus tax). Fall or Spring Term Only Permits are $25 (plus tax). Summer Term Only Decals are $15 (plus tax).
UCF faculty and staff and contracted employees such as EFSC facilities department sub-contractors and food services vendors are required to have a permit on their vehicle to park on EFSC property. There is no charge for the parking permit.
Visit a Campus service location listed in the box on this page to request a free parking decal. Be prepared with your vehicle's make, model, color, year, and license plate number.
Affix the EFSC permit on the left, rear of the vehicle either on the bumper or the rear window.
All EFSC student requests for an exception to the no-refund policy will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Campus Security Supervisor or his designee. Examples of considered exceptions include:
- Class withdrawal/cancellation - The permit cost will be refunded if the permit was purchased prior to attending classes and an EFSC student withdraws from classes, or if classes are cancelled and a student will not be attending any other classes on Eastern Florida State College campuses.
- Vehicle replacement - If an EFSC student purchased a parking permit for a vehicle that becomes inoperable, or if a student purchases a different vehicle within the period of validity of the purchased permit, a new permit will be issued without additional cost, and the old permit will become invalid.
- Vehicle involved in a crash - If a student's current EFSC-registered vehicle becomes disabled due to a traffic crash, he or she will be issued a new permit for a new vehicle without additional cost, and the old permit will become invalid. A written statement detailing the facts and circumstances may be required. If a student's vehicle is temporarily disabled, he or she will be issued a temporary permit at no cost while the vehicle is being repaired.
- Lost or stolen permit - If a student's current EFSC parking permit is lost or stolen, he or she may be required to provide a written statement detailing the facts and circumstances. If within the period of validity of the purchased permit, a new permit will be issued without additional cost, and the old permit will become invalid.
- Damaged/replaced window - If an EFSC student's rear window becomes damaged and needs replacing, he or she will be issued a new permit without cost, and the old permit will become invalid. A written statement detailing the facts and circumstances may be required.
Parking & Traffic Regulations/Fines
Parking and traffic regulations are established by the College and enforced on all campuses. Students must park only in designated parking areas. Violation of regulations shall result in fines being assessed in accordance with the schedule of fines approved by the Board of Trustees, and an administrative hold may be placed on the release of student records, grades and transcripts until full payment of the assessed fines.
Excessive parking violations by students shall be considered violations of the Student Code of Conduct and may be subject to discipline including, without limitation, loss of privilege to park on the campuses of EFSC, probation, suspension and expulsion from the College. View a full explanation of EFSC parking regulations.
Restricted areas are: Disabled (blue), Faculty/Staff (yellow), and Fire Lanes (red).
A 15 mile-per-hour speed limit applies to all EFSC campuses.
While on campus, drivers must obey all traffic laws as they would when driving on city streets, including completely stopping at all STOP signs.
Notes: If more than one violation exists, that will annotated on the same ticket with a charge for each violation. Illegally parking in a disabled parking space or blocking a fire hydrant may also result in law enforcement issuing state citations and the towing of the vehicle at the owner's expense.
Traffic Violation Fines
Traffic fines for EFSC students post to their student account and can be viewed through the EFSC Tuition & Fees "Pay My Bill" link in the Accounts Summary section when logged in to the myEFSC Portal. Fines posted to your account can be paid following the EFSC Student Accounts payment guidelines.
- No Decal/Improper display of decal (increases to $35 after 2nd citation)
- Parking Over lines (Yellow, Red, Blue, White)
- Unauthorized zone or lot/unauthorized parking spaces
- No Parking Zone (Red)
- Posted Areas (No parking)
- Driveways
- Double Parked
- Seeded or cultivated area
- Service entrance/ Loading zones
- Staff/Faculty parking
- In loading zone
- On sidewalks, walkways or roadways
- Littering
- After 2nd Parking Violation, fee increases to $40
- Driving on cultivated area
- Violating one-way sign
- Failure to completely stop at stop signs
- Speeding over posted speed
- Careless/reckless driving
- Parked in Disabled space
- Parked in front of fire hydrant
- Third parking violation