Small Business Development Center Plans SBA Lenders Panel

October 24, 2024
The Small Business Development Center at Eastern Florida State College will host a Small Business Administration (SBA) Lenders Panel on small business financing on Thursday, Nov. 21 from 9 – 11:30 a.m. on the EFSC Melbourne Campus at 3865 N. Wickham Road in Bldg. 16, Rm. 216.
This no-cost seminar was rescheduled to the due to Hurricane Milton and is ideal for small business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs looking to take their business to the next level.
Participants will connect one-on-one with a diverse group of lenders and learn about startup costs, expansion, and working capital needs.
The panel is comprised of experienced lenders who will share their expertise on funding loans, loan evaluation criteria, common challenges, and required documents.
Reservations are required and can be made by calling 321-433-5570 or visiting the event page.
- Media Contact: Suzanne Rains, APR, CPRC, Associate Vice President, Communications
- Office:321-433-7022
- Cell:321-537-6986