Dual Enrollment Parent Preview Night April 16th

March 12, 2024
Eastern Florida State College will host a Parent Preview Night event on Tuesday, April 16 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. on its Melbourne Campus in the Student Union (Bldg. 16), second floor conference center. The doors open at 6 p.m.
Parent participants will gain valuable information about the benefits of Dual Enrollment programs, Early Admissions and Advanced Standing Credit programs.
The event will provide in-depth information about the highlighted programs, including their benefits and the general processes to get public, private and home-schooled students enrolled.
The workshop will help parents get their students ready for college and career planning, learn about pathways to jumpstart college coursework, reduce the time it takes to complete a degree, save money and strengthen university applications.
Registration for the event is optional but helps with planning. More details and the RSVP form can be accessed at easternflorida.edu/go/dualpreview.
For more information, contact the EFSC Office of Dual Enrollment at (321) 433-7614 or dualenroll@easternflorida.edu
- Media Contact: Suzanne Rains, APR, CPRC, Associate Vice President, Communications
- Office:321-433-7022
- Cell:321-537-6986
- Email:rainss@easternflorida.edu