Celebrating EFSC's Fall Graduates

Four graduates in blue and green caps and gowns with balloons

December 14, 2023
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Eastern Florida State College students celebrated with family and friends, plus college faculty and staff during two Commencement ceremonies held Thursday on the Melbourne campus.

female graduate in blue cap and gown with service dog
Beth Grauer and service dog Cali Bear

Nearly 1,100 students were candidates to graduate Fall term with about 500 taking part in the 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. ceremonies at the King Center for the Performing Arts.

Beth Grauer was among those graduating, having earned an Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree while also competing for Team USA in November at the Parapan-American Games for athletes with physical disabilities, where she won a silver medal in the seated shot put.

"It was definitely overwhelming trying to juggle both training and my studies, said Grauer, who now hopes to qualify for the Paralympics scheduled for next summer in Paris after the 2024 Olympics and then return to Eastern Florida to earn a bachelor's degree.

"I believe the combination of veteran, student, and athlete gives me the drive and motivation to achieve my goals no matter the circumstances or obstacles that may be placed in my way."

Woman in blue cap and gown by Class of 2023 banner
Angelica Sosa

Also overcoming obstacles to reach this milestone was A.A. degree graduate Angelica Sosa, who turned to the organization at EFSC called TRiO that helps first-generation college students with extra support services, including tutoring.

"When I started this journey, I really struggled in general with my academics and got into academic probation. Math is very much my weakness," said Sosa, who discovered the TRiO resources that helped her pass math at the suggestion of her Success Advisor Tara Gibson, who also encouraged Sosa to write a book about her experiences.

“I share my story because people don’t always like to talk about the struggle. But plenty of us deal with it while in school. It is ok to talk about it because there might be someone out there who is dealing with the same situations as you.”

Two women graduates, one in blue cap and gown and one in green cap and gown riding on scooter
Mother and daughter graduates Aryah Britt and Reneé Robles

Reneé Robles earned her Bachelor of Applied Science in Organizational Management - Event Planning and Management specialization and shared the stage with her daughter, A.A. graduate Aryah Britt, who plans to go on to UCF.

Robles did not let multiple sclerosis or a job in the aviation industry that was lost to the COVID pandemic slow her down.

"I was at a roadblock and was being told I needed a bachelor-level degree for every job I applied for so I decided to come back to college," said Robles, who found a mutual support system with her daughter. "We would edit each other's papers and ask each other for advice.

Two female graduates in blue caps and gowns
Twin sisters Janill and Janilla Merritt-Houston

Also taking a family connection to the commencement stage were Titusville natives and twin sisters Janill and Janilla Merritt-Houston who both earned A.A. degrees and plan to put their sewing and fashion design skills to use by starting a clothing business while also working in the banking industry.

"We grew up as Christians and we want our clothing company to help spread the mission of encouraging young people to stay in school and set goals for themselves," said Janilla.

"Coming to college helped me prepare for starting a clothing business because it gave me the tools you need from a finance perspective," added sister Janill.

College President Dr. Jim Richey congratulated all the fall graduates, saying, "Regardless of your chosen path, I encourage you to take what you have learned to advance your careers and live a rich full life. And remember, the struggles you face along the way, no matter how difficult, will ultimately strengthen you.

"You are graduating from an institution that creates opportunity, fosters innovation, and has given you the tools you need to achieve success and make a difference. You are the Titan nation, part of a proud line of graduates who have helped change this community and our world for the better."

three people taking a selfie; one in a blue cap and gown and one with a baby carrierBoth ceremonies were broadcast live on WEFS-TV and livestreamed via YouTube. Commencement replays can be viewed on the College’s YouTube channel at bit.ly/efscwatch.

Graduates, family, and friends are encouraged to post their photos and videos on social media using the hashtag #EFSCGrad so they can be part of the virtual social wall.

EFSC's newest graduates join more than 125,000 others who have earned their diplomas from the college since it opened in 1960 with one campus in Cocoa. Today four campuses span the Space Coast from Titusville to Palm Bay with almost four dozen associate, bachelor, and certificate programs also available completely online.

To learn more about EFSC and the nearly 150 programs it offers, visit easternflorida.edu.

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