EFSC Nursing Students Receive Scholarships
September 13, 2022
The Brevard Heart Foundation has awarded scholarships to two Eastern Florida State College nursing students to help continue their education.
The students are Stephanie Herrnkind, who is pursuing the Nursing RN Associate in Science Degree, and Te’a Sepulveda, who is studying to become a Practical Nurse in the college's one-year LPN certificate program.
“We’re very grateful to the foundation for their generosity in rewarding these two
excellent students for their hard work. They are committed to becoming outstanding
health care professionals, and the scholarships will help them achieve that goal,”
said Loretta Beorlegui, EFSC’s Dean of Nursing and Applied Health Sciences.
The scholarships are unique because the awards are given directly to the students
to be used as they most need it. Some put it toward tuition and books while others
use it for medical supplies for school or even childcare.
“It is our mission to support healthcare initiatives and the future of quality healthcare
in Brevard County, which includes investing in our local students who are working
towards a profession that makes such a difference in our community. Our scholarship
applicant pool continues to amaze the board and scholarship committee, and this year’s
Eastern Florida State College recipients are truly exceptional,” said Diana Adams,
Executive Director of the Brevard Heart Foundation.
All applicants are Brevard County residents, graduated from a Brevard County high
school while living in the county, and have been accepted into or are currently enrolled
in medical school, nursing programs, physician assistant programs or nurse practitioner
The mission of the Brevard Heart Foundation is to improve and promote healthcare for
Brevard County citizens through programs that target identified community needs, as
well as invest in the future of local quality healthcare through their scholarship
For over 60 years, it has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct scholarship
aid to local students seeking healthcare degrees and certifications.
- Media Contact: Suzanne Rains, APR, CPRC, Associate Vice President, Communications
- Office:321-433-7022
- Cell:321-537-6986
- Email:rainss@easternflorida.edu