Embraer Provides Grant to Support the EFSC Foundation

Embraer presents giant check for $5,730 to the EFSC Foundation in front of a plane

July 12, 2022

Embraer has awarded the Eastern Florida State College Foundation $5,730 to educate minority youth in grades 7-9 about careers in aerospace and aviation and the programs at EFSC that can lead to those careers.

“We are extremely grateful to our friends at Embraer for this gift and for their generosity,” said Cindy Kane, Executive Director of Development and Strategic Engagement at the EFSC Foundation.

“We’re excited to make this possible and will be working with Brevard Public Schools, The Haven for Children, Club Esteem, Family Promise of Brevard and Brevard County Parks and Recreation, to identify those students who could most benefit from these workshops and get this information into their hands.”

Founded in 1969, Embraer is one of the largest aerospace companies in the world, manufacturing commercial, military, executive and agricultural aircraft. It opened its Melbourne Executive Jets Unit Headquarters in 2011 at the Melbourne Orlando International Airport and immediately became immersed in the community.

To expand the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives in the United States, the company created the Embraer Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, in 2017. Over the last five years, the Foundation has been committed to making strategic social investments that positively impact the communities in which Embraer’s employees live and work. In addition to social investments, the Foundation promotes employee engagement through volunteerism and inspiring aviation amongst youth.

“As Embraer continues to expand its presence on the Space Coast, the Foundation is delighted to support the Eastern Florida State College Foundation as we recognize the importance of this inspirational aviation program,” said Monica Newman McCluney, Head of the Embraer Foundation.

“Through one of our strategic pillars, we are committed to inspiring aviation amongst youth and feel it’s important to promote this near our Melbourne campus, as we are known worldwide as an aerospace hub. The grant will provide local minority youth access to aviation and inspire them to become our community’s leaders of tomorrow.”

For more information about the EFSC Foundation, or to make a donation, visit efscfoundation.org or call (321) 433-7055.

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