Registration Open for Summit of Seven Boys and Men Conference at EFSC

May 22, 2019
Eastern Florida State College will host the upcoming Summit of Seven Boys and Men Conference with about 1,000 people expected for an event that provides mentors and role models for youth.
The 27th annual conference will be held June 7-8 on the college’s Melbourne campus, and end with a June 9 service at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church in Palm Bay.
The summit is the largest gathering of its kind in Brevard County and among the largest in Central Florida.
It features motivational speakers and workshops on subjects such as education, law enforcement, personal ethics and teamwork.
“Today’s youth need guidance more than ever as they confront difficult obstacles that can prevent them from leading productive lives,” said organizer Moses L. Harvin Sr.
“The summit shows them they have many great opportunities, can be very successful and rely on caring adults who are willing to help them chart the right course in life.”
Harvin, who is President and CEO of American Services Technology, Inc., in Rockledge, also serves on the Eastern Florida State College Board of Trustees.
Dozens of corporate and community groups will be involved in the event, and Eastern Florida will provide campus tours as part of the summit’s goal to reinforce the importance of education.
The event, which is open to the public, starts Friday, June 7 at 6 p.m. with a fun festival.
The summit continues Saturday, June 8 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a range of activities including workshops, performances, a community luncheon and campus tours.
The public is invited to the 1 p.m. luncheon, which will feature two speakers:
• Col. Mary L. Martin, commandant of the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute at Patrick Air Force Base.
The institute teaches courses on racial, religious, gender and ethnic diversity to military personnel from all branches of the Armed Forces, and to civilians who work for the Defense Department.
It is recognized as a national leader on addressing racial and cultural issues, and opened in 1971 with lessons learned from the Civil Rights movement.
• Dr. Mark Mullins, Superintendent of Brevard Public Schools.
Mullins leads the 10th largest school district in Florida with more than 73,000 students, 83 schools, 10 special centers and 12 charter schools.
The district is among the best in the state, with some of its high schools also earning high national rankings.
The summit concludes June 9 with an 11 a.m. worship service at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church in Palm Bay.
The event was started by the Mount Moriah church, and got its name by asking each male member of the congregation to bring seven boys and young men, hence the Summit of Seven.
For more information and to register, visit or contact Joan Wimberly at (321) 482-8142.
- Contact:Suzanne Rains, APR, CPRC, Associate Vice President, Communications
- Office:321-433-7022
- Cell:321-537-6986