Brevard-Based Music Foundation Presents Scholarship to Music Student
December 7, 2017
Calvin Ballard, an incoming Eastern Florida State College music student, recently received the Florida Smooth Jazz Foundation’s Music Merit Scholarship through the Eastern Florida State College Foundation.

Ballard, a trumpet player and Viera High School graduate, was awarded $2,500 to further his education at EFSC.
Established through a $5,000 per year donation to the EFSC Foundation in December 2015, the Music Merit Scholarship was granted based on a competition held this past spring by the EFSC Music Department. Candidates performed two musical selections of their choosing before a panel of judges. In addition, candidates had to meet the specific academic criteria for the scholarship.
The presentation was made on November 27 on stage at the King Center for the Performing Arts by Dr. Cathy Powers with the Smooth Jazz Foundation, Dr. Robert Lamb, Professor of Music and Director of Chorale activities at EFSC, and Mr. Jim Bishop, Director of Instrumental Music at EFSC.
“The Florida Smooth Jazz Foundation is proud to be the recurring sponsor of an annual merit scholarship to jazz ensemble music students of Eastern Florida State College,” said Dr. Powers.
“Founded in 2005, the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that has been involved in the promotion, production and financial support of numerous concerts throughout Florida and has been based in Brevard county since 2008.
The Foundation strives to continue to provide live music events to the community and is excited to help our EFSC students begin their college education while participating in the jazz ensemble program.
The Foundation believes that the encouragement and support of our youth in programs such as EFSC’s jazz ensemble is crucial in developing the musical artists of our future.”
The Florida Smooth Jazz Music Merit Scholarship is awarded annually through the EFSC Foundation.
For more information about the Performing and Visual Arts programs at EFSC, contact Department Chair, Dr. ChanJi Kim at 321-433-5790. For more information about the EFSC Foundation, contact Jennie Kriete at 321-433-7055.
- Contact:Suzanne Rains, APR, CPRC, Associate Vice President, Communications
- Office:321-433-7022
- Cell:321-537-6986