EFSC Foundation Receives Gift for Healthcare Scholarships
May 6, 2017
The Eastern Florida State College Foundation has been awarded a $15,000 donation from the Brevard Indo-American Medical and Dental Association (BIMDA) that will fund student scholarships in nursing.

BIMDA leaders presented the "Gift of Education for EFSC Foundation" award Saturday
evening during the organization’s 15th annual Medical Expo and CME Conference at the
Melbourne Rialto Place Hilton.
“We are grateful for the support of our medical community and their commitment to
build a fabulous workforce,” said EFSC Foundation Director Jennie Kriete.
The donation comes just months after the January opening of a new Health Sciences
Institute on EFSC's Melbourne campus with labs and training areas on par with the
best in the nation.
The $20 million facility houses 12 programs that include nursing, radiography, respiratory
care, surgical technology and more.
Founded in 1999, the Brevard Indo-American Medical and Dental Association presents
grants totaling $90,000 annually to support education in health care, science and
Other recipients this year were:
- Florida Institute of Technology Endowment: Science and Technology
- UCF Foundation: University of Central Florida College of Medicine
- Health First Foundation: Nursing
- Jess Parrish Medical Foundation: Medical and Health Care
- Brevard Schools Foundation: Science and Technology
For more information on the EFSC Foundation or to donate, visit easternflorida.edu/foundation
- Contact:Suzanne Rains, APR, CPRC, Associate Vice President, Communications
- Office:321-433-7022
- Cell:321-537-6986
- Email:rainss@easternflorida.edu