Harmonize Tools
Discussions, Q&A, and Chat
Harmonize will enable you to see discussion threads in a grid view or a list view.
The tool is connected to Turnitin, which, when enabled, can check student posts for
originality. Set separate due dates for posts, comments, and replies. Harmonize tools
are accessible to allow students with special needs to engage in the discussions as
well. You can create graded and non-graded discussions. Discussions can be restricted
to students in the same section (merged courses). Harmonize features are compatible
with mobile devices. Harmonize also offers a chat tool and a Q&A feature.
Use the resources below to learn more about using Harmonize in your courses.
View recorded webinars to learn how other instructors are using Harmonize in their courses: Harmonize Webinars for Specific Disciplines.
- Quick Start Guide - Canvas
- How-to Guides
- Best Practices and Tips
- Manage Ungraded Harmonize Topics
- Turnitin Faculty and Student View
- Adding Harmonize to Modules
- Adding Canvas Rubrics to Harmonize Discussions
- Harmonize and SpeedGrader FAQs
- Harmonize Chat
- Harmonize Polls
- Graded Annotated PDF Assignments
- Video Annotations
- Harmonize Engagement Insights
- Harmonize Brainstorm (AI for Instructors)
- AI Rubric Generator - quickly create rubrics and/or focus areas using the new Rubric Generator.
- Screen Recording: Recording and uploading video/audio limits | Screen Recording in Harmonize
- AI Rubric Coach for Students: AI-Based Rubric Coach | Instructor Video | Student Video
- Video tutorials and recorded webinars- Instructors
- VPAT (detailed list of accessible features)
- Edit auto-captioned .srt files ( every uploaded/recorded video is automatically captioned)