Black History Month written over a patterned background

Black History Month

Celebrate Black History Month 2025 (BHM) at EFSC with a dynamic lineup of events and activities that honor the many impacts that Black Americans have had in the workforce.

Immerse yourself in captivating cultural performances, thought-provoking activities, delicious Soul Food luncheons, and an engaging film. Our Black History Month celebrations at EFSC provide a meaningful platform to celebrate the invaluable contributions of African Americans at the same time as the national commemoration each February.

Join us in paying tribute to the past, celebrating the present, and inspiring a brighter future for all. Explore Black History Month events at Eastern Florida and be part of a vibrant community promoting togetherness and growth.

Please Note: Some events listed here are sponsored by the Office of Student Life (OSL). OSL-sponsored events are for the benefit of current EFSC students only who are taking at least one class during the term. No others, including children, may attend.

Office of Student Life (OSL) Contacts

Cocoa Campus


Melbourne Campus

Palm Bay Campus
  Titusville Campus 


Black History Month

BHM Events


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