See information below about a CareerSource scholarship opportunity that could cover tuition for summer courses that could lead to IPC Certification.
IPC Certifications
IPC is an organization dedicated to establishing consistent standards for electronic equipment and assemblies, including soldering. They provide various industry-recognized training and certification programs, many of which can be completed through EFSC.
These standards — which are designed to reflect the consensus of the entire industry — are developed by industry professionals, academics, and expert trainers. The programs are regularly updated, and you'll need to renew your certification every two years to stay current.
Obtaining IPC certification is both an investment in your future and a way to demonstrate your expertise through internationally recognized programs.
Training Options in Summer Term 2025
EFSC has partnered with CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia to offer free Soldering Training for eligible candidates, with two classes in a sequence that can lead to certification with class completion and a passing exam score.
IPC Certifications
- Delivery Methods
- On-Campus
- Location
- Palm Bay
- Contact Information
Scholarship Inquiries:
CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia - Job Seeker Support
Email Scholarship TeamCourse Questions:
EERX 0060 - Through-Hole & SMT Soldering: (Pre-requisite for next course)
Mon., June 9 - Fri., June 13, 2025; 8 AM - 5 PM
EERX 0059 - IPC/WHMA A-620 Certification (With Hands-On Lab):
Mon., June 16 - Fri., June 27, 2025; Mondays - Fridays, 8 AM - 5 PM
You can find additional details about each IPC certification course, such as detailed course descriptions, in the dropdown accordion below.
Registration and Scholarship Details
The first step is to contact CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia via email to verify your eligibility for a scholarship to cover the course tuition. This training program is provided by the Florida Atlantic Workforce Alliance (FAWA) grant. Eligibility is based on household income and/or employment at time of application.
Email CareerSource Scholarship Team
If the CareerSource team verifies your scholarship eligibility, the Eastern Florida State College Continuing Education team will complete your registration for the course. Class size is limited.
By investing in IPC training and certification, you can:
- Show your commitment to high-quality control practices to your current and potential customers or employers.
- Meet the expectations of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and electronics manufacturing companies, which often require their suppliers to have these important certifications.
- Get recognized in the industry, which can be beneficial to both you and your company.
- Support quality assurance efforts, which are increasingly important in international trade.
In compliance with Florida statute 119-07(1): SSNs are requested for the sole purpose of registering non-credit, continuing education students. SSNs are confidential, are immediately converted to student IDs (B numbers) to ensure confidentiality, and may be used for no other purpose. SSNs may only be disclosed to another agency or governmental entity if necessary for the receiving agency or entity to perform its duties and responsibilities as authorized by law.
Course Details
This course is a pre-requisite that must be taken for all other courses, unless a waiver is approved by the instructor.
"Through-Hole & SMT Soldering" does not lead to any IPC certification,
A course for electronic technicians which includes high reliability through-hole soldering techniques, current industry soldering inspection techniques, electrostatic discharge awareness and prevention, and surface-mount techniques and an introduction to rework and repair.
If you already know how to solder and have experience with circuit boards, this course is perfect for you. It consists of five modules and is the ideal choice for learning how to create electronic devices.
You'll begin with the first module, which is lecture-based and serves as a prerequisite for the remaining four modules. Once you've completed the first module, you'll move on to practical work in the soldering lab. You'll start by working on a practice board before moving on to a real circuit board project, where you'll demonstrate your ability to assemble it and create strong solder connections.
To become certified, you'll need to excel in the online exams and showcase your soldering skills. Attendance is also mandatory for all classes. Missing a class means you won't be able to take the test or obtain certification for that specific module.
When you enroll in this course, you'll receive access to various materials including the online exams, a handbook, soldering tools, and an official IPC certificate (upon successful completion of the program).
Here are the topics you'll cover:
- Module 1: Specification Review
- Module 2: Wire Preparation and Terminals
- Module 3: Through-Hole Soldering
- Module 4: Surface Mount Soldering
- Module 5: Inspection and Process Control
If you've successfully completed IPC J-STD-001 Module 1, you can consider enrolling in this IPC J-STD-001 Space Addendum course.
This optional sixth module introduces additional requirements beyond those found in IPC J-STD-001. Its purpose is to guarantee the reliability of soldered electrical and electronic assemblies designed to endure the rigorous conditions of space, including vibration and thermal cyclic environments during space travel and operations.
Please note that this module is delivered in a lecture format. Upon successfully completing this course, you'll be awarded IPC certification for this module.
Please remember to bring your IPC J-STD-001 Module 1 certificate to class as a prerequisite for enrollment.
This course, "Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies," is centered around the most widely used specification for inspecting cable and wire harnesses. It also includes visual criteria for accepting or rejecting products across all three classes of production.
It includes a hands-on lab, ensuring that you gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in cable and wire harness inspection and assembly. The hands-on component is comprised of practical projects including soldered terminations, crimped terminations, coax-clamped connections, and coax-crimped connections. Your instructor will guide you through essential topics, such as IDC mass termination, IDC modular connector usage, and wire bundle securing techniques.
When you enroll in this course, you'll receive access to various materials including the online exams, a handbook, and an official IPC certificate (upon successful completion of the program).
The course covers the following topics:
- Modules 1 and 2: Introduction
- Module 3: Crimp Terminations: Insulation Displacement (IDC)
- Module 4: Connectorization, Molding, and Potting
- Module 5: Splices (Soldered and Crimp)
- Module 6: Marking and Labeling, Wire Bundle Securing, Shielding, and Protective Coverings
- Module 7: Coaxial and Twinaxial Cable Assemblies
- Module 8: Solderless Wire Wrap
Upon successfully completing this course and the certification exams, you will receive IPC/WHMA A-620 Certification.
This 40-hour advanced "Rework of Electronic Assemblies/Repair" and "Modification of Printed Boards and Electronic Assemblies" combination course is designed for experienced solderers.
IPC 7711 focuses on printed circuit board rework, while IPC 7721 concentrates on restoring a board's functionality through board repair. This program is highly beneficial to companies, as it provides cost-saving skills, making you a valuable asset to your employer.
When an electronic circuit board is loaded but not functioning correctly, this training equips you with the knowledge and skills to recover the board and its expensive components. Instead of resorting to scrapping or outsourcing, you can safely and efficiently remove components and modify boards to restore them to working order.
Throughout the course, you'll engage in a mix of hands-on practical work in the lab and some lecture sessions.
Topics covered include:
- Introduction
- Wire Splicing
- Through-Hole Rework
- Chip and MELF Removal/Installation
- SOIC, SOT, and Gull Wing
- J-Lead
- BGA Removal/Replacement
- Conformal Coating
- PWB Circuit Repair
- Laminate Repair
Attendance is mandatory for all classes, as missing a class means you will not be permitted to take the exam or receive certification for the corresponding module.
When you enroll in this course, you'll receive access to various materials including the online exams, a handbook, a specialized kit, and an official IPC certificate (upon successful completion of the program).
This course, entitled "Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies," is a lecture-based program that covers the most widely used specification for post-assembly inspection. It also provides comprehensive visual criteria for accepting or rejecting electronic assemblies across all three classes of production.
The course spans 24 classroom hours and is comprised of nine modules. Attendance is mandatory for all classes, which are available both in-person and online. Missing a class means you will not be permitted to take the exam or receive certification for the corresponding module.
Upon successful completion of this course, you'll earn recognition as a Certified IPC Specialist (CIS) within the industry's developed and approved IPC A-610 training and certification program.
When you enroll in this course, you'll receive access to various materials including the online exams, a handbook, and an official IPC certificate (upon successful completion of the program).
The course covers the following topics:
- Modules 1 and 2: Introduction
- Module 3: Hardware Installation
- Module 4: Soldering/HV (High Voltage)
- Module 5: Terminals
- Module 6: Through-Hole
- Module 7: Surface Mount
- Module 8: PCBs/Assemblies and Component Damage
- Module 9: Wire Wrap
Additional Continuing Education Courses
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