Student Internship Interest Form


Student Internship Info

Internships are a really effective way for students to gain practical work experience in a professional environment. By doing an internship or volunteering in a field you're interested in, you can gain an advantage over other job seekers. Each internship is a chance to gain hands-on experience, enhance your résumé, and learn how to work well in a job setting.

At EFSC, students have the opportunity to do internships for credit during the fall, spring, and summer terms. The aim is to help students reinforce what they're learning in their major courses. There are also similar opportunities available in vocational and technical programs.

If you're an EFSC student and your degree or certificate program qualifies for an internship, you can apply for internships starting on the following dates:

  • Fall Term Internships: March 1st
  • Spring Term Internships: September 1st
  • Summer Term Internships: February 1st

The Internship Office at EFSC organizes internships for specific bachelor degrees, Associate in Science degrees, and certificates. Typically, internships are done in the final semester of your program. If you're an EFSC student whose program is eligible for an internship, follow the steps outlined on this page to apply.

Please note that these steps are specifically for the internship portion of your course and may differ from any additional requirements set by your instructor. Make sure to consult with your instructor for specific details and course expectations.

It's also a good idea to read through our Frequently Asked Questions for additional information. Our office is located on the Cocoa campus in Building 12, Room 307 (the Library). You can contact us via email at or call 321-433-7091.

Why Should I Do an Internship?

Completing an internship through EFSC offers numerous benefits including:

  • Gaining practical work experience in a professional setting,
  • Developing essential skills relevant to your field,
  • Networking with industry professionals,
  • Enhancing your résumé with valuable experience, and
  • Clarifying your career goals through hands-on exploration.

Internships provide an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge in real-world scenarios, improve communication and problem-solving skills, establish connections for future job prospects, and make informed decisions about your future career path.

Overall, EFSC internships bridge the gap between academic learning and professional development, equipping you with the necessary skills and experiences to thrive in your chosen field.

How to apply for and complete an Internship through EFSC

Step 1: Assess Your Eligibility

Before proceeding, make sure to consult EFSC's internship course list to determine if your program offers an internship opportunity. With few exceptions, internships are typically completed during the final semester of your program.

Contact the Internship Office with any questions.

Step 2: Meet With Your Academic Advisor

Have a discussion with your Academic Advisor to review your records and determine if you have fulfilled all the requirements for participating in an internship. It's also important to confirm that the internship course aligns with your education plan.

Consider the following questions:

  • Do you have a declared degree?
  • Are you in good academic standing?

After meeting with your Academic Advisor, you will have a clear understanding of your eligibility for the internship. Note that some internship courses may also require instructor approval prior to registration. Refer to the internship checklist specific to your course for more information.

Step 3: Submit the Student Internship Inquiry Form

Please fill out the Student Internship Inquiry Form available on this page.

Kindly use your Titan student email address when completing the form, as all internship communications must be sent to your official EFSC account.

Step 4: Complete Your Orientation, Explore Sites, and Register for Your Course

After you have submitted the Student Internship Inquiry Form, the Internship Office will email you a link to a mandatory Internship Orientation Course in Canvas.

Complete this course, and the Internship Representative will contact you about your results. During this conversation, you and the Internship Representative will discuss potential internship sites and work together to find the most suitable placement for you. Please note that the Internship Office operates on a first-come, first-served basis. When a new semester schedule opens, it may take up to two weeks for us to contact you. Your patience is appreciated.

Meanwhile, you should prepare a one-page résumé, cover letter, and a list of three potential internship locations to submit. Your site does not have to be a current internship partner site. The Internship Office has additional sites on record, or you can find one independently. All sites must be verified by the Internship Representative, with special approval required for sites outside of Brevard County.

When it's time to register for classes, you may need an override for your internship course. Contact your Academic Advisor for assistance in removing any holds.

In some cases, the Internship Office may be responsible for lifting the hold on an internship course. Should this occur, please email your request to the Internship Office. The hold will only be lifted once you have completed the required Internship Orientation Course and submitted your résumé, cover letter, and list of three potential internship sites to the Internship Office.

For additional guidance on this step, refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.

Step 5: Submit Your Résumé, Cover Letter, and Site Choices

Submit the one-page résumé, cover letter, and list of three potential internship sites you prepared to the Internship Office.

It's important to make sure your résumé is current and ready to showcase when you meet with potential internship providers, so if you need assistance, schedule a résumé review appointment with Career Services staff or log in to Upkey — a free, self-paced tool that can help you improve both your résumé and your elevator pitch.

Step 6: Meet With Internship Sites, Determine Your Final Placement, and Submit Your Pre-Internship Forms

Once you've submitted your materials, the Internship Representative will contact partner sites on your behalf.

Next, you'll prepare for meetings with potential internship sites. Treat these meetings as professional interviews, dress appropriately, and bring copies of your résumé, Site Confirmation Form, and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)*, if required.

If a site agrees to host you, get the necessary forms signed, tour the facility, and create a schedule that works for both you and the site. Your internship site may have additional requirements for you to complete, such as filling out an application, attending an orientation, or going through other interviews. These steps are specific to each site and, when applicable, must be completed to finalize your internship placement.

Note that some sites may also require background checks or drug testing. Some sites cover these costs, while others may require you to pay for them out of pocket. If needed, the Internship Office can provide information on how to register with CastleBranch, which offers these services for approximately $150. Contact the Internship Representative for details.

Prior to beginning your internship hours, submit the required pre-internship paperwork to the Internship Office.

*The Internship Representative will tell you whether an MOU is required.

Step 7: Work at Your Internship Site

Once the background check and drug testing results have been received and you have submitted all the necessary paperwork, you are ready to start your internship. Make sure to fulfill your required hours and keep track of them on the Hours Reporting Log.

Some students may opt to continue their internship for extra hours to finish a project or for other reasons. Please inform the Internship Office if this applies to you.

Step 8: Submit Your Post-Internship Forms

As you approach the end of your internship, give a copy of the Host Evaluation Form to your site supervisor for them to complete. You should also fill out a Student Work Site Review Form.

Collect these forms along with your completed Hours Reporting Log, and submit them to the Internship Office together. It's important to do this before the semester ends. The deadline is typically at least two weeks before Finals Week.

Once your internship paperwork has been processed, the Internship Office will notify your instructor that you have completed all of your internship requirements.