EFSC Behavioral Intervention Team
Protecting Students - Preventing Harm
Are you concerned about a student or noticing behaviors that make you think they might need help? Eastern Florida State College's Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) was created to help faculty and staff be proactive participants in student safety and wellness.
Whether it's to combat bullying, prevent violence, support individuals with disabilities, empower the success of those suffering from mental health challenges, or assist those who are in crisis, the team provides resources and coordinates early intervention for students displaying or experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors.
Review the guidance in the accordion below and when appropriate, log in to the online reporting system to submit a confidential Student of Concern Report. That BIT referral report should not be used for initial classroom issues, such as mild disruptive behavior that is instead addressed through classroom management strategies, as explained below. While faculty or staff will receive an acknowledgement that an appropriate response is underway, do not expect to receive detailed information about a referral because of the student's right to confidentiality.
Anyone thought to be in imminent danger of harm to themself or others, regardless of the reason, should be reported immediately to local law enforcement by calling 911 and then the Campus Security Office.
- In a classroom setting, a Student of Concern report should only be submitted after attempts at classroom management have proven unsuccessful. When a report is submitted, faculty will need to share what classroom management techniques have already been utilized.
- Disruptive behaviors are overt actions, omissions to act, or verbal or written statements which would not be consistent with the actions or statements of a reasonable, prudent person under similar circumstances.
- Disruptive behavior typically refers to directly observable behavior; but it may also include a student’s behavior by other means (e.g. e-mail, social networking sites, postings to electronic classrooms, papers or projects submitted, etc.)
- Remember, anyone thought to be in imminent danger of harm to self or others, regardless of the reason, should be reported immediately to local law enforcement and then the Campus Security Office.
Examples of Behavior (although not an exhaustive list)
- Extreme rudeness or insubordination to college officials, staff, faculty, or administrators
- Sexual harassment or assault of fellow students or staff/faculty, on or off campus
- Classroom disruption, that is beyond what the faculty member can address
- Impairment on campus due to drug or alcohol use
- Threatening words or actions to others, including relationship violence
- Writings that convey clear intentions to harm self or others
- Observed self-injurious behavior, such as cutting, burning, etc.
- Online postings on social media sites that discuss harm to self or others
- Excessive class absenteeism, that is beyond what the faculty member can address
- ANY suicidal expressions, including threats, gestures, ideation, or attempts
- Acts believed to be motivated by hatred or discrimination
- Flat affect or extreme lack of responsiveness
- Concerning changes in physical appearance
Use the guidance related to the levels of behavior in deciding what level of intervention is appropriate.
Some disruption, minimal but still concerning behavior, no threats made, just beginning to show concerning behavior
Faculty/staff are encouraged to work directly with the student to modify behavior and utilize syllabi to direct appropriate behavior, contacting the collegewide chair for direction and contacting the BIT only after classroom management has not alleviated the problem.
More involved or repeated disruption or distress, possible threats made but vague and indirect with little direction, behavior is being repeated even after classroom management techniques have been used and repeated requests to stop by staff/faculty have been ignored.
At this stage, faculty and staff must notify their collegewide chair or supervisor that they plan to submit a Student of Concern Report, which they will document through a check box on the online form.
Submit a Student of Concern Report
Submitting the report will notify the Behavioral Intervention Team members, who will begin action to address the referral.
Seriously disruptive incident(s), with clear distress present, threats likely made but could still be vague and inconsistent: behavior is being consistently repeated although they are compliant in trying to reduce behavior and trying to change behaviors.
During or after business hours: Contact Campus Security who will respond as needed if on campus and will also assist with any required additional Behavioral Intervention Team reports.
The student expresses behavior or action that is disturbed, threats are made and plausible, behavior is repeated and there is no apparent attempts to stop; the student is likely a danger to self or others.
Call 911 immediately and then contact Campus Security
Security will assist with any follow up reporting requirements and Behavioral Intervention Team members will address the referral.
The student expresses behavior that is significantly disturbed and dysregulated, threats are made, are plausible, and are being acted upon or have high likelihood of being acted on; the student is a danger to self or others.
Call 911 immediately and then contact Campus Security
Security will assist with any follow up reporting requirements and BIT members will address the referral.
When assisting students with issues related to their well-being, and when trying to avoid the need for a BIT referral, refer them to college and community resources in areas such as mental health or academic concerns or food and housing insecurities.
Academic Success Resource Guide
Community Resources: 211 Brevard
Domestic Violence Resources Guide
Food Insecurity Resource Guide
Green Dot Power-Based Violence Prevention
Healthy Body Healthy Mind Toolkit
Housing Insecurity Resources Guide
Sexual Assault Resources Guide
Suicide Prevention Resource Guide
Please note that if a faculty or staff member contacts a BIT member via phone or in person, the contact will be followed up with an official report. Members on the team will receive an email notification when a Student of Concern Report is made by a staff or faculty member.
- Associate V.P. of Student Services, Laura Sidoran, EdD, EDS
- Dean of Students, Barbara Kennedy, EdD, MA, LMHC, Chair
- Dean of Health Sciences, Loretta Beorlegui, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CCRN
- Dean of Public Safety Institute & Title IX Coordinator, Steve Salvo, MA, AOC
- Associate Dean, Emily Tonn, MA, LMHC
- Melbourne Student Life Coordinator, Rhonda Morelock
- College-wide Security, Lt. Rob Delaune, MA
- Full-Time Faculty Liaison, Patty Wallace, MA
The Behavioral Intervention Team's purpose is to:
- Serve as a coordinating network of identified members of the campus community
- Provide early intervention for students displaying or experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors
- Focus on prevention of undesired or unhealthy behavior on campus for all campus community members
- Oversee the case coordination and intervention/support plan for each identified case
- Continually review, evaluate and respond accordingly to student situations or behaviors that cause concern for any member of the campus community
- Be a resource to the campus community
Learn more in the BIT Procedures Manual.