Continuing Education Fire Science Courses
In the Fire Science Program we encourage students to take the college credit courses that will lead to a certificate or degree. If, however, you want to take a couple of courses to support a certification or for personal enrichment, we encourage you to take non-credit, continuing education courses.
Review options in the accordion below and then use our online Search & Register tool to view available continuing education classes and sign up. Get in touch if you have questions.
Also be sure to use the button link to review the differences between these continuing education courses and college credit courses and explore how non-credit courses can transfer to count toward for-credit college firefighting programs.
Continuing Education Fire Science Courses
Program Info
- Contact Information
Bill Klein, Program Manager
Palm Bay Campus
Building 6, Room 106
321-433-7565Jessica Antus, Coordinator
Click a course name for the description
This course is NFPA 1670 /1006 compliant and is designed to teach safe and systematic rescue operations. Job performance requirements and requisite knowledge and skills are addressed. This course covers several technical aspects involved in confined space rescue, with the use of traditional classroom and practical exercises.
This course is a prerequisite for the Confined Space – Technical Level course
This 16-hour course is the basis for conducting safe and systematic rescues in confined space situations. It addresses the job performance requirements and the requisite knowledge and skills. This course covers several technical aspects involved in confined space rescue; with the use of traditional classroom and practical exercises. The subjects covered include: Roles and responsibilities, pre-planning, hazard identification, proper rescue techniques, atmospheric monitoring and testing, ventilation, and characteristics of non-permit and permit—required confined spaces, medical surveillance. This course is designed to meet or exceed the applicable sections of NFPA 1670 (2014), Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents.
Confined Space Rescue Operations Level is the prerequisite for this course.
This course is NFPA 1670 / 1006 compliant and is designed to teach Vehicle / Machine Rescue - Operations Level. This course focuses on scene and patient stabilization, vehicle construction types, and a variety of hand tool and heavy hydraulic tool extrication techniques. Additional training in scene management, equipment selection and team component responsibilities are conducted.
This course is designed to provide the student with real world heavy rescue scenarios. Instruction and training meets or exceeds the general requirements of NFPA 1006, NFPA 1670 and FLUSAR standards of training set by the Bureau of Fire Standards & Training. Students work with specialized equipment such as; heavy lift bags, high and low pressure bags, plasma torches, oxy-acetylene torches, and exothermic torches. They learn how to estimate the weight of a vehicle as well as the features of different materials used in the construction of vehicles and machinery.
Prerequisite: VMR – Operations Level
The curriculum in this portion of the Fire Prevention Inspection Certification Program deals with building construction. Topics include identifying hazards from assault by fire and gravity, how building construction can influence fire spread, fire confinement or structural collapse, and other life safety issues. This course does not teach construction techniques, rather it helps students identify construction features and their hazards under fire conditions.
A pre-requisite to Fire Officer One certification, the course provides methods of management and problem solving techniques for beginning officers. Management theory, principles of leadership and motivation, effective communications and group dynamics are examined.
This course deals with the entire spectrum of issues facing today's fire service leaders. Topics include: labor relations, human rights and diversity, conflicts of interest, and frameworks for ethical decision-making are used.
Prerequisites: FFP 2301 with a grade of "C" or higher or FIFX 0310 with a grade of “S”.
This course is designed to prepare the fire service employee for safe operations of fire department pumping apparatus and basic troubleshooting procedures for fire service pumps. This course meets NFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Department Apparatus Operators.
This course is designed to show the different forms of matter and energy, common substances and how they relate to fires. The chemical formulas of flammable and combustible substances, their bondings and separations, as well as the different chemical reactions related to fire and oxidation are covered.
In this course students study the application of hydraulics to assure effective water stream at fire ground, practical and specific problems related to water supply, including water demands for sprinklers, standpipes, hose streams and nozzles. Underwriters Laboratory and National Fire Protection Association standards are studied.
The curriculum explores methods and mechanics of teaching and adult learning. The course draws from many recognized authorities and emphasizes techniques and devices for specific training and teaching situations including media and visual aids. The course also stresses assessment of teaching effectiveness.
Emphasizes techniques that will assist the Fire Service Instructor develop skills in curriculum development including the importance of an Active Training program.
Study of the origin and current use of codes and standards as they apply to fire and life safety. Course includes the use and application of the Life Safety Code with regard to occupancy, occupant load, and exiting requirements. (Course outline is derived from the Bureau of Fire Standards).
This course covers the functions and general design principles of suppression systems. Standards and principles of installation are emphasized for detection, signaling, and communication systems, and a review of the characteristics and limitations of extinguishing agents will be addressed.
A prerequisite to Fire Officer 1 certification, the course develops evaluation skills in fire situations. Assessing life hazards associated with building, construction occupancy, weather conditions and location of the fire are examined, rescue and conserving property by effective planning and tactical firefighting are taught.
Prerequisites: FFP 2810 with a grade of "C" or higher or FIFX 0810 with a grade of “S”.
This course will include a study of action plans, command and control, safety, building dynamics, sprinkler operations, fire company operations, and various types of fire. This is an advanced study intended for higher ranking officers using state and local provided scenarios.
Structure and organization of fire prevention organizations, conducting inspections; interpreting and applying code regulations. A study of procedures and techniques of fire prevention, including surveying and mapping, recognition and elimination of fire hazards, and fire risk analysis as applied to municipal and industrial occupancies.
The curriculum in this Fire Science course is designed to enhance the fire investigator's ability to detect and determine the origin and cause of a fire. Specific topics include fire behavior review, investigator ethics, construction, ignition sources, reading fire patterns and scene reconstruction. Special topics on electrical fire investigation, woodland fires, vehicle fires, mobile home fires, RV, boat, and ship fires. Additional topics include special emphasis on fire scene documentation, extinguishing /alert systems and arson investigation.
This course is designed to give students the skills required for assimilating information contained in working drawings and specifications as they relate to the fire inspector, including interpretation of conventional graphic communications using accepted standards and conventions. The course emphasizes reading and interpreting residential and commercial plans and blueprints, such as plats, plots, floor plans, elevations, and architecture. Symbols, abbreviations, principles of technical projection, as well as a review of basic mathematics and terminology used in surveying and construction, and a review or geometry are included. Applied experience finding and interpreting information from authentic drawings is also included.
A course designed to orient the fire/rescue provider with methods, under which no other means are available, to access and remove accident victims from elevated and below grade locations. The participant will become familiar with vertical equipment and use. Skills will be developed in rope use, rappelling, self-rescue, rigging and victim access. Emphasis is placed on safe and effective rigging procedures including knots, safety procedure and belay techniques. The curriculum meets and exceeds the general chapter training requirements in accordance with NFPA 1670 (2009 edition, Standard for Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue, Operations Level for Rope Rescue).
The student will be trained on trouble shooting areas, rope systems, anchor systems, raise/lower techniques, stoke basket operations, high line operations, pick-off techniques, knot passing and rope theory. Emphasis will be placed on safety, raising, lowering patient packaging, belay operations, as well as moving a victim in high angle environments. This course is designed to train rescuers in high angle rescue/recovery. This course meets and exceeds NFPA Standards.
Prerequisite: Rope Rescue – Operational Level
Related Fire Training Center Programs
The programs below lead to a Career and Technical Certificate or Associate in Science degree. Reach out to the Fire Academy team as you plan whether you should take continuing education courses or for-credit training.