Paralegal Studies A.S. - Application Process
If you're interested in the Paralegal Studies (Legal Assisting) A.S. degree program, you need to enroll at EFSC and meet the specific entrance requirements outlined below. After the application deadline for each term, you'll receive an email notification about your status in the program through your official EFSC Titan student email.
How to Apply for the Paralegal Studies Program
Paralegal Studies is a limited-access program with a specialized application process that includes a separate application, essay, interview, and background check.
Click, review, and follow the steps below and work with the program advisor to review your goals and get answers to any questions as you apply.
Since this is a limited access program with a special application process, it is important for prospective students to understand that there are application deadline dates and additional information required to be considered for acceptance: essay, interview and background check.
Please read the information provided here in the Paralegal Application Steps and the Paralegal Studies Frequently Asked Questions before applying to the program.
The paralegal program can be started in Fall or Spring Term each year. View the College's Academic Calendar for upcoming term dates.
Students should apply by the Priority Application Deadline for the term in which they wish to start. This gives ample time to complete admissions and paralegal application requirements.
This step is specifically for students who are not currently enrolled at EFSC.
To begin the application process for Eastern Florida State College, you need to complete and submit the general admission application. Remember that there's a $30 non-refundable application fee, which you must pay when submitting your application.
If you were previously a student but have not taken any courses in the past year, you need to reapply online as a returning/re-admit student. You will not be charged the application fee in this case.
Please note that application processing can take up to 14 days due to the current volume of applications. Check your email frequently for your acceptance letter.
Your general admissions acceptance letter will include a Titan student email address and Titan Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials, which you will need to access the myEFSC student portal.
After logging into the portal, check your Message Center to view your specific admissions requirements. You can also review how to complete the most common general requirements on EFSC's accepted students' page, along with contact information for admissions.
After you have received your general EFSC Admissions Acceptance letter or if you are a current EFSC student, complete the Submit the Public Safety - Paralegal Application.
Your general admissions acceptance letter will include the Titan student email address and Titan Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials, which you will need to submit the Paralegal Public Safety application. This limited access application is in addition to the general application and must be properly submitted by the application deadline.
After submitting the limited access Paralegal Application, applicants will be contacted via EFSC Titan email to arrange the in-person interview.
All applicants must submit an essay on the following topic: "Why am I choosing to become a Paralegal?" The essay should be typed and one page in length.
Essays must be submitted via EFSC Titan email to the program coordinator Dr. Jacob Speicher speicherj@easternflorida.edu on or before the in-person interview.
After you complete your interview, the program coordinator will provide you with information to schedule a Fingerprinting/Background Screening appointment, which is performed in Building 8 on EFSC's Melbourne Campus.
This service costs $65 and is payable by Money Order only to Brevard Police Testing Center.