Office of Undergraduate Research

The Eastern Florida State College Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) was established in Fall 2014 to organize, promote, and support student research. The OUR's overarching purpose is to assist students and connect them with faculty, staff, administrators, and community leaders, providing student research opportunities that will enhance academic progression and nurture deeper engagement in academic fields of interest.
The OUR encompasses all academic disciplines and supports integrative research experiences for EFSC students.
Student Information
Are you interested in conducting undergraduate research as a student at EFSC? Complete the Research Student Form, and an OUR staff member will email you to get you started by pairing you with a Research Mentor in your discipline of interest at EFSC.
You may already have a research topic or you may be searching for a research topic. Browse the list of Current EFSC Undergraduate Research for ideas.
Share your research at the Undergraduate Research Exhibition (URE) held at the end of fall and spring semesters. All stages of research are welcome, from ideas to partially completed to finished projects!
Summer undergraduate research opportunities are available outside of EFSC, too. Explore and apply for Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities today.
Faculty and Staff Information
Are you interested in mentoring research within your discipline or area of expertise? Complete our quick Research Mentor Form (leave boxes blank that you are unsure of or that do not apply).
As faculty and staff, you may have ongoing research which can incorporate students, research ideas you want to pursue with students, or simply be interested in mentoring student research. After filling out the Research Mentor Form, your research project/interests will be posted on the Current EFSC Undergraduate Research page for students to browse. When a student contacts the OUR with similar research interests, an OUR staff member will contact you; then you can choose whether to mentor the student after meeting to discuss research interests.
Faculty and staff may add or change research information at any time using the Research Mentor Form or email springa@easternflorida.edu.
Research Space
Research Space is available for Research Students under the guidance of their Research Mentor on the Melbourne campus, Building 1, Room 166. The Research Space offers an exclusive area for conducting research and storing research materials where they will not be disturbed by classes. The Research Space has research tables, computers, microscopes, fridge/freezer, and other materials to support research. The Research Space has a keypad providing authorized Research Students and Mentors access anytime the Melbourne campus is open. Contact springa@easternflorida.edu for access or further information.
The Office of Undergraduate Research wants to spread the message that undergraduate research is available to all students on all four EFSC campuses. OUR staff is available to give presentations in the classroom and via Microsoft Teams. To schedule a presentation on getting involved in undergraduate research, contact springa@easternflorida.edu.
Dr. Ashley Spring
OUR Founder and Director
Institutional Review Board
Dr. Mark Quathamer, Ed.D.
Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
EFSC Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)
Jessica Webb
IACUC Recording Secretary
IACUC forms are available in the insideEFSC Document Center/Health Sciences Folder, which is accessible once you have logged in to the myEFSC portal. For external access to a form, contact the IACUC chair.
The IACUC meets at regular intervals to review campus animal activity submissions prior to the semester in which the animals are to be utilized. There will be an email announcement approximately one month prior to the deadline for submission. View EFSC's Animals on Campus Policy.
To ensure that you view the most recent version of each Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) form, we recommend that you refresh your browser window after opening a PDF, or clear your browser's cache.