Application & Selection Process

The Veterinary Assisting application deadline is September 15th for a Spring Term (January) program start.
(Please Note: If the deadline has passed, contact a health sciences advisor to see if seats may be available for a late application.)

Applicants are evaluated for admission based on a Selection Criteria point system, with extra points awarded to applicants who have completed certain tasks or fulfilled certain requirements in advance. The program's Application Process requires an additional application and submission of materials by the deadline in addition to EFSC's general admissions process.

In order to apply, applicants must:
  • Be at least 18 years of age by the start of the spring term
  • Must be a high school graduate or hold a GED®
  • Must have a college GPA of 2.0, with a minimum of 6 college credits (Suggested Courses:  BSCC 1084 - Survey of Anatomy and Physiology and SLS 1101 - Success Strategies for College and Life).

All application documents should be submitted to the EFSC Health Sciences Admissions and Advising Office on the Cocoa Campus in Building 11, Room 228 or emailed to by the application deadline.

Selection Criteria

Veterinary Assisting Point System

The Selection Committee is guided by a point system. Click on the categories below to learn how points may be earned.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Points for students applying are awarded based on the applicant's most recent College Grade Point Average (GPA). A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for acceptance into the program, and points are awarded for GPAs above 2.5. 

Transcripts must be in the student's application file for this evaluation to take place. To be eligible for points, the applicant must also have completed at least 6 credit hours of college courses. A maximum of 20 points is possible. 

Points awarded for GPA
Points awarded based on GPA
GPA Points
4.0 20 points
3.8 - 3.9 18 points
3.5 - 3.7 16 points
3.0 - 3.4 14 points
2.5 - 2.9 12 points
2.0 - 2.4 0 points
Observation/Volunteer/Work Experience

This requirement cannot be waived.

20 hours of observation/volunteer/work experience in an animal-related care facility is required in order to be considered for the Veterinary Assisting program. Confirmation of experience must be submitted on the Veterinary Assisting Experience Form. A maximum of 5 Bonus Points may be awarded for hours completed above the required 20 hours, with cat and dog facilities preferred. Grooming and pet store facilities are not permitted.

A maximum of five points will be awarded for additional observation, volunteer and/or work experience completed beyond the 20-hour minimum. For additional points to be awarded, confirmation of each type of experience must be submitted using the Veterinary Assisting Experience Form.

Points Awarded for Experience
Points Awarded for observation, volunteer, and work experience
Hours of Experience Points Awarded
20 hours Required (no points)
21 - 25 hours 1 point
26 - 30 hours 2 points
31 - 35 hours 3 points
36 - 40 hours 4 points
Over 40 hours 5 points

Students must write a 150 to 200-word, handwritten essay on the following topic, using at least one citation in APA style: "Describe how the duties and education differ between a veterinary assistant and a veterinary technician." The document can be typed or handwritten.

(This is a mandatory requirement, no points.)

How to Apply to Veterinary Assisting

Check Application Deadline and Contact an Advisor
Meet with a Health Sciences Advisor

Because this is a limited access program with many variables and special application requirements, prospective students should contact a Health Sciences Advisor for more information.

Students with myEFSC access should schedule Health Sciences Advising using the link in the Student Services Appointments section of myEFSC. Future Students with no EFSC login, use the guest appointment button.

Apply for General Admission to Eastern Florida State College

New and Returning Students:  Complete and submit the application for general admission to Eastern Florida State College. There is a one-time $30 non-refundable application fee for admission that must be submitted at the time of application to the college. This application is available online. Complete all general admissions requirements with the EFSC General Admissions office.  Readmit students will not be charged the $30 application fee.

Please note that application processing can take up to 14 days due to the current volume of applications. Check your email frequently for your acceptance letter.

Current Students: Move onto the next step.

Complete the Online Health Sciences Application

Complete the online Health Sciences Application for Veterinary Assisting. You will be prompted to log in using your student email address and password that are sent in your EFSC general admissions acceptance letter.

A $25 non-refundable fee for the Health Sciences application must be paid through your myEFSC online account or at a campus Students Accounts Business Office by the application deadline. Please Note: If the deadline has passed, contact a health sciences advisor to see if seats may be available for a late application.

Submit Required Documents to the Health Science Admissions & Advising Office

All applicants must submit the following documents to the Health Sciences Admissions and Advising Office on the Cocoa Campus in Building 11, Room 228 or via email to by the September 15 application deadline.

  • Essay: 150 to 200-word, typed or handwritten essay on the following topic, using at least one citation in APA style: "Describe how the duties and education differ between a veterinary assistant and a veterinary technician."
  • Veterinary Assisting Experience Form
  • Unofficial EFSC transcripts and unofficial transcripts from any other colleges you have attended. Unofficial EFSC transcripts can be obtained from or myGPS.
Equal Access Policy

Eastern Florida State College is dedicated to providing a nondiscriminatory environment which promotes equal access, equal educational opportunity, and equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, race, national origin, color, ethnicity, genetic information, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, marital status, veteran status, ancestry, or political affiliation in its programs, activities, or employment.

EFSC recognizes the rights of students and applicants with disabilities, including those with hepatitis B, under the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.