Medical Lab Tech students working in a classroom.

Medical Lab Tech Estimated Expenses

The estimated expenses shown below for the Medical Laboratory Technician A.S. degree program are based on in-state resident costs for the full two-year program. Some fees may be subject to increase or decrease without notice.

Expense costs for each Medical Lab Tech
Fee Cost
EFSC General Admissions Application Fee
*If you have never attended EFSC
MLT Program Application Fee  $25
Background Check (Includes Drug Test, Residency History, Fingerprints & Medical Document Manager) *May have additional costs prior to clinical rotations $124
Immunizations (estimate only) $150
Uniforms and Shoes (estimate only) $200
Disposable Gloves and Goggles (estimate only) $80
Tuition (A.S. - 76 credits @ $104/credit - in state tuition rate) $7,904
MLT Laboratory Course Fees (includes HIV/AIDS CE and CPR certification) - Estimated $1,055
Online Course Fees ($15/credit @ 8 credits) $120
Textbooks (will vary; estimate listed based on EFSC College Bookstore Pricing)    $1,500
FL Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel Trainee License for Clinical Rotations $45
Lab CE subscription $75
Graduation Application $20
AAB (MT) application fee $105
AAB (MT) examination fee  $165
AAB (MT) proctoring fee $30
ASCP (MLT) application/examination fee $215
FL Clinical Laboratory License - Technologist $100
FL Clinical Laboratory License - Technician  $55
Medical Errors, HIV/AIDS & FL Laws & Rules Continuing Education (4 Hours) $12
American Heart Association CPR for Healthcare Provider (estimate only) $50
 EFSC Parking Permit Fee (Two academic years) $107