A medical information coder biller working at a computer

Medical Coder Estimated Expenses

Medical Coder/Biller ATD Estimated Costs

Approximate Fees for the Medical Coder/Biller ATD
Expense Cost
Application to EFSC $30
Health Sciences Program Application $25
Tuition (37 credit hours) Refer to current Tuition & Fees Schedule  
Background Check $120
Laboratory Fees $120
HBV/TB (or proof) $100
Physical (optional) $100
Books (approximate) $950
Program Specific Attire $200
AHIMA Membership (Recommended) $135
AAPC Membership (Recommended) $170
Graduation Fees $20
National Certification Test $195 - $300
CCA (AHIMA) $195

*Fees are approximate and subject to change.