Current Bachelor Students Information
Review the information below for tips on common topics, customized for the bachelor student population.
New students who have been accepted to the bachelor’s program will be required to schedule an advising appointment for course planning. During your advising appointment, you will receive a planning guide, course descriptions, an online reference guide, campus resources and will participate in creating your semester-by-semester graduation plan.
You can make a bachelor advising appointment through the link in the Student Services Appointment section inside the myEFSC Portal, with the available methods (phone, MS Teams or on-campus) varying by campus.
Contact your assigned bachelor degree advisor anytime you have questions about your degree audit. You can email your assigned advisor directly by clicking on their name at the top of your myGPS worksheet.
Log in to your myEFSC account and open your myGPS worksheet by selecting the myGPS icon. Your student ID number, major, program, GPA, academic advisor, and your earned EFSC degrees will be listed at the top of your worksheet. The degree progress bar will show you how far you have progressed toward graduation!
The name of your advisor is linked to that advisor’s email account. You may click it and email your advisor directly at any time.
Watch: myGPS: Access & Navigation
Review these tips as you read through your myGPS
- Minimum Credits Required to be Taken at EFSC: If you transferred from another college to EFSC, keep in mind that you must complete at least 30 credit hours of your bachelor program at Eastern Florida State (this does not include CLEP, AP, IB, or LEAP credit).
- Minimum 2.0 GPA Requirement: Bachelor degree students must have at least a 2.0 GPA in your 3000 and 4000 level courses to qualify for graduation. Contact your bachelor advisor to discuss what free resources are available to help you improve your GPA.
- General Education Requirement (36 credit hours): The state of Florida requires every bachelor student to complete 36 credit hours of specific general education courses. This includes a combination of communications, mathematics, natural and/or life science, humanities, and social behavioral courses.
If you earned an Associate in Arts degree from EFSC or another Florida public institution, you most likely have already completed your general education requirement. If you earned an Associate in Science degree or transferred from a Florida private or Non-Florida institution, you may still need to complete some general education requirements. Review the course options on your myGPS worksheet and contact your advisor for help incorporating the courses into your graduation plan.
- General Elective Requirement (24 credit hours): General electives are any college credit course (including AP, CLEP, IB and LEAP credit). Access the EFSC Catalog to view all EFSC courses and the course descriptions.
- Major Requirement: This consists of the upper level coursework that is specific to your major. You most likely have selected a specialization that supports your major. Specialization courses are designed to be taken throughout your academic journey and not reserved for the end.
- Technical Elective Requirement: Depending on your chosen degree and specialization, technical electives are lower level courses that support or correlate to your major requirement courses. Depending on your previous course work, you may or may not need technical electives. Check your initial advising email or contact your bachelor advisor for a list of technical elective options.
- Foreign Language Competency: If you have completed at least two years of the same foreign language course through high school education (must have passed all semesters with grade 'D' or higher), please submit an official high school transcript to the admissions department as proof of your foreign language competency. If you need to take college level language courses, you may take two semesters (ex: Spanish 1 and Spanish 2) of any language of your choice.
Florida lawmakers want graduates of the Florida College System to understand America's civics, especially the principles in the United States Constitution. Legislators modified Florida's existing Civic Literacy Graduation Requirement in fall 2021 to apply to bachelor degree students who started a baccalaureate program in fall 2021 and beyond. Visit the Civic Literacy Competency page for details on the requirement and how to meet it, plus detailed Frequently Asked Questions about the related courses and civic literacy exam.
Florida's Civic Literacy Competency rule applies to all students who are entering into baccalaureate programs under the 2021-22 catalog year and later regardless of prior postsecondary coursework earned in Florida or out-of-state, prior admit terms at Eastern Florida State College, or prior degrees earned.
Students who were previously exempted from the civic literacy competency requirement or graduated as having met the competency must still meet the graduation competency under the new requirements if they return or pursue a new degree in fall 2021 or later.
Schedule an appointment with a bachelor's advisor for questions about this requirement and your myGPS Degree Audit Tool also tracks the Civic Literacy Requirement and whether you have met the requirements.
When logged into myGPS through the myEFSC Portal, select the 'Plans' tab at the top of your worksheet to access your suggested course plan. These plans are suggestions on how to best complete your degree based on your previous enrollment patterns. They do not commit you to, or enroll you in, courses. If you need to edit your plan or have one created for you, contact your advisor.
Important Note: myGPS: Graduation Plan for Success is designed to aid and facilitate academic advising, but is not intended to replace face-to-face advising sessions. myGPS is neither an official academic transcript nor an official notification of completion of degree requirements.
Capstone courses serve as the culminating and integrative experience of your educational program. They are designed to stimulate critical thinking, problem-solving skills, develop your research methods, and improve communication.
The capstone class must be taken in your graduating semester. Contact your advisor for access to register for your capstone after you have registered for all other final courses.
Below are the Degrees/Specializations that include a Capstone Course along with a brief description of the course.
BAS Applied Health Science - Advanced Allied Health Specialization
HSA 4850 - Capstone - Healthcare Management
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: Departmental approval required. This course is designed to guide new
and future practicing healthcare managers and introduce the student to the customary
activities of manager planning, organizing, decision making, staffing, motivating
and budgeting from the vantage point of various healthcare settings. Students will
learn proven management concepts, techniques, models and tools for managing individuals
or teams. The course will be an internship providing real-world healthcare experience
and covers current topics including the emerging implications of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act of 2010. (Students must meet the requirements of Florida Statute
456.0135, which requires a level 2 background check at their own expense.) Includes
a Lab Fee.
BAS Applied Health Science - Biotechnology and Biomedical Specializations
For their capstone experience, Applied Health Sciences Biotechnology and Biomedical specialization students have the option of taking the internship course HSC 4851 (3 credit hours: see information in the Internship section of the accordion) or HSA 4910 – Capstone: Case Studies in Biomedical Science (2 credit hours) and the internship course HSC 3801 – Clinical Observation/Volunteer work (1 credit hour - See description in the Internship area of the accordion below).
BAS Organizational Management - General Business Specialization
MAN 4900 - Capstone - Management and Leadership
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MAN 4504, MAN 4583, and MAN 4720 - all courses with a grade of "C"
or higher. This course reviews the integration and application of knowledge, skills,
and abilities learned through the Organizational Management Program through the completion
of a comprehensive capstone project. This capstone course must be taken in the last
semester of the program.
BAS Organizational Management - Healthcare Management Specialization
HSA 4850 - Capstone - Healthcare Management
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: Departmental approval required. This course is designed to guide new
and future practicing healthcare managers and introduce the student to the customary
activities of manager planning, organizing, decision making, staffing, motivating,
and budgeting from the vantage point of various healthcare settings. Students will
learn proven management concepts, techniques, models, and tools for managing individuals
or teams. The course will be an internship providing real-world healthcare experience
and covers current topics including the emerging implications of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act of 2010. (Students must meet the requirements of Florida Statute
456.0135, which requires a level 2 background check at their own expense.) Includes
a Lab Fee.
BAS Organizational Management - Human Resource Management Specialization
MAN 4901 - Capstone - Human Resource Management
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MAN 4320, MAN 4330, and MAN 4350 - all courses with a grade of "C"
or higher. This course explores Human Resource Management and strategic planning from
a practitioner’s perspective. The course focuses on creating systems using practical
application of theory for selection and placement, training, internal and external
recruitment, and compensation and benefits. Additional topics include job analysis
and design, legal issues in recruitment and staffing, and manpower retention management.
BAS Organizational Management - Public Safety Management Specialization
DSC 4710 - Public Safety Management Capstone
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DSC 3079, DSC 3215, DSC 3226, and DSC 4016 - all courses with a grade
of "C" or higher and departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required.
This course focuses on the integration of knowledge, skills and abilities learned
in the program through a capstone project. This course should be taken during the
last semester of the program. The course will involve the student proposing a plan
for public safety managers to handle a catastrophic event occurring in a community.
The student will define the scope of the event and utilize concepts of disaster response
as defined in prior program coursework from a public safety management prospective.
The project will culminate with an oral presentation of the plan to an advisory board
made up of public safety practitioners and faculty members.
BAS Organizational Management - Sales and Marketing Specialization
MAR 4952 - Capstone- Marketing Strategy
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MAR 3023, MAR 3503, and MAR 4202 - all courses with a grade of "C"
or higher. This course provides a practical approach to analyzing, planning and implementing
marketing strategies. Insights into the creative processes involved in applying the
knowledge and concepts of marketing to the development and implementation of marketing
strategy are examined.
So students can gain in-field experience, while paired with a classroom setting, certain bachelor degree programs at Eastern Florida State College require or have an option for an internship in a student’s final semester as part of the capstone experience. This bridge to post-graduation life allows students to gain confidence in their field while also making important networking connections.
Bachelor's program internships at Eastern Florida are coordinated by the Career Planning and Development Center. Students wishing to register for an internship class must visit the internship webpage and complete the Student Internship Inquiry form. This Inquiry Form should be submitted in the semester prior to your final term at EFSC. This will connect you with the EFSC Internship Representative who will walk you through both registration and the internship process.
See the information below on the classes with internship components and the programs that require or offer them.
CAP 3940 - Data Science Internship
Computer Information Systems Technology specialization elective option for students under the Data Science specialization. If a student’s last semester falls during a summer semester, they will have the option to take this class in their last spring semester.
CEN 4949 - Internship
Computer Information Systems Technology specialization elective option for students under the following specializations; Cybersecurity, Networking Systems, Program & Software Development and Project Management. If a student’s last semester falls during a summer semester, they will have the option to take this class in their last spring semester.
HSA 4850 - Capstone Healthcare Management
Required for all students under the Organizational Management - Healthcare Management specialization and the Applied Health Sciences - Advanced Allied Health specialization.
HSC 3801 - Clinical Observation/ Volunteer Work
For their capstone experience, Applied Health Sciences Biotechnology and Biomedical specialization students have the option of taking this Internship course, HSC 3801 (1 credit hour) and HSC 4714 – Capstone: Case Studies in Biomedical Science (2 credit hours) OR HSC 4851 - Health Science Internship described below.
HSC 4851- Health Sciences Internship
Required for all students under the Applied Health Sciences: Medical Imaging - Medical Resonance Imaging and Applied Health Sciences: Medical Imaging - Computed Tomography.
This is also a 3-credit, last semester option for students in the Applied Health Sciences Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences specializations as an alternative to taking the combination of HSC 3801 and HSA 4714 described above.
NURC 4945 - BSN Directed Study Capstone
Capstone option for BSN students. If BSN students do not take this course, they will need to take the alternative course, NURC 4955- BSN Directed Study Capstone Study Abroad
NURC 4955 - BSN Directed Study Capstone Study Abroad
Capstone option for BSN students, which incorporates a study abroad experience. If BSN students do not take this course, they will need to take the alternative course, NURC 4945- BSN Directed Study Capstone.
When you have registered for your final courses and the semester has begun, you may file your “Intent to Graduate” form online. This form is found after logging in to myEFSC/Titan Web under Student Services/Student Records:
You can pay the application fee online. Once the application is processed, the Registrar’s office will be in touch with you by Titan email regarding your next steps.
Visit the registrar's website for more information about applying to graduate, including deadlines for indicating you plan to attend commencement and receive commencement tickets.