CORE Courses
The general education core course requirement applies to all students who are entering into any degree programs under the 2022-23 catalog year and beyond, regardless of prior postsecondary coursework. This includes transfer students, students entering with prior postsecondary coursework, and students from out-of-state.
Under the requirement, students must successfully complete at least one core course from each of the general education subject areas: Communications, Mathematics, Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences, pursuant to s.1007.25(3), Florida Statutes, and SBE Rule 6A.14.0303.
Below are the designated CORE courses at Eastern Florida. Note: Successful completion of a course for which a CORE COURSE is an immediate prerequisite, or the equivalent honors course, will satisfy the CORE course requirement. View the EFSC Catalog for details on how CORE courses fit into the A.A. degree's general education requirements. If you are an A.S. or bachelor degree student taking one of these courses, check your degree's curriculum for specific requirements.
2024-25 CORE Course List
The designated CORE courses below take effect with Fall Term 2024 and are listed in the 2024-25 Catalog. Use this list if starting your EFSC program in Fall Term to guide registration in required general education courses for an Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, or Bachelor of Applied Science program. Contact your advisor with any questions.
Communications: (Unchanged from 2023-24)
ENC 1101 - Composition 1
Mathematics: (List changed from 2023-24)
MAC 1105 - College Algebra
MAC 2311 - Calculus 1 with Analytic Geometry
MGF 1130 - Mathematical Thinking *(See more details and description below).
STA 2023 - Statistics
Humanities: (Unchanged from 2023-24)
ARH 2000 - Art Appreciation
HUM 1020 - Introduction to the Humanities
LIT 1000 - Introduction to Literature
MUL 2010 - Survey of Music Literature
PHI 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy
THE 2000 - Theatre Appreciation
Social/Behavioral Sciences: (List changed from 2023-24)
AMH 2010 - US History to 1877
AMH 2020 - US History since 1877
ECO 2013 - Principles of Economics 1 (Macroeconomics)
POS 2041 - American National Government
PSY 2012 - General Psychology 1
Natural Sciences: (List changed from 2023-24)
AST 1002 - Introduction to Astronomy
BSCC 1005 - Fundamentals of Biology
BSCC 1010 - General Biology
CHM 1045 - General Chemistry 1
EVR 1001 - Introduction to Environmental Science
GLY 2010 - Introduction to Physical Geology
OCE 1001 - Oceanography
PHY 2048 - General Physics 1
PHYC 2053 - College Physics 1
*Mathematics update means that MGF 1106 - Topics in Mathematics and
MGF 1107 - Explorations in Mathematics will no longer be CORE courses and will only
be available for registration by approved exception for students who have already
started their math sequence prior to Fall 2024. MGF 1100 - Mathematical Literacy and
MAT 1033 - Intermediate Algebra are not prerequisites for the new MGF courses.
New CORE Math Course: MGF 1130 - Mathematical Thinking
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MATV 0028 with a grade of 'S' or MATV 0057 with a grade of 'C' or higher, or appropriate
placement test score or exemption from placement testing
General Education Category: Meets Math Skills Requirement, Mathematics CORE Course, Mathematics General Education
Description: In this course, students will utilize multiple means of problem solving through student-centered
mathematical exploration. The course is designed to teach students to think more effectively
and vastly increase their problem-solving ability through practical application and
divergent thinking. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines/programs.
Taking a Core Course? Get your syllabus before class starts.
Under Florida law, state colleges and universities must share the instructor's syllabus for Core General Education Courses at least 45 days before the start of the class. At Eastern Florida State College, students taking a class listed on this Core Course page can easily download the syllabus for their specific course section from the Class Schedule Search tool on the EFSC website. Use the tool to search for your class, then on the results page, select the "Details/Instructor" link under the Title column in the row for your course section and CRN. That will generate a pop-out window where you can use the "Download Syllabus" link to view and save the syllabus, which will outline course content, class and grading policies, assignments, plus much more information to help you be successful in the class. Remember that the link will not be available until 45 days before the start date of your class, and this requirement only applies to Core Courses listed on this web page.
View an example image for how to download a Core Course syllabus.