Writing Center Resources
The EFSC Writing Center is your gateway to a wealth of digital tools and guidance designed to elevate your writing skills.
Whether you're a student seeking assistance with an academic paper or a professional honing your communication abilities, our online resources are here to support you at every step of the writing process:

Brainfuse: Writing Lab
Submit your paper, scholarship essay, or job application for review any day of the week! An EFSC or Brainfuse writing tutor will assess it, with a typical turnaround time of 24 hours for the review.
Brainfuse Info
YouTube Video Playlist
Discover a wealth of valuable tips in our YouTube video playlist, covering topics such as thesis writing, formatting and citing in different styles (APA, CMS, and MLA), and more.
YouTube Playlist
Writing Center LibGuides
Explore the EFSC's Writing Center's LibGuides for valuable resources and insights on improving your writing skills.
WC LibGuides
How to Write a Research Paper
Delve into the art of writing research papers through our informative Prezi presentation, offering valuable guidance and tips for success.
Research Paper Prezi