Hurricane Preparedness
Getting Ready for Hurricane Season
The Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 each year and lasts through November 30. Hurricanes are one of nature's most powerful and destructive forces. You must consider a hurricane a serious, life-threatening situation and take necessary measures to ensure your family’s safety well in advance of hurricane season.
For the 2024 season, NOAA is predicting another above average season with 17-25 named storms, 8-13 of which are predicted to become hurricanes with 4-7 major hurricanes reaching Category 3, 4 or 5. This year as with every season, you should review your hurricane emergency plans, including having enough supplies on hand and planning where to safely shelter if an evacuation is ordered. Take time now to make sure you are ready.
Eastern Florida State College has provided information about the following topics, collected from a variety of sources, to assist students, faculty and staff with their personal preparations for the tropical storm season. Also be sure you've signed up to receive emergency notifications via text, email and phone through EFSC's Titan Alerts system. EFSC students, faculty and staff should log into the myEFSC portal and click the Titan Alerts link to update their contact information. UCF students, faculty and staff impacted by Brevard regional campuses at EFSC can also sign up for alerts. Rest assured that the EFSC team will carefully monitor any threatening storms and make every effort to keep you informed. In addition to updates on the website and social media, you can call the 24/7 recorded hotline at 1-888-609-3313 during an emergency.
— Joe Ambrose, EFSC Emergency Manager/Collegewide Security Chief
Resources: Click topic for details
- Hurricane Watch & Warning Definitions
- Hurricane Hazards
- Before the Storm Suggestions
- Home Preparedness Recommendations
- Emergency Supply Kit
- First Aid Kit
- Important Documents
- Pet Planning
- Evacuation and Shelter-Related Information
- Stay Informed: Emergency Management Contacts
Hurricane Watch
Indicates the possibility that you could experience hurricane conditions within 36 hours. This watch should trigger your family’s disaster plan, and protective measures should be taken, especially those actions that require extra time, such as securing a boat, leaving a barrier island, etc.
Hurricane Warning
Indicates that sustained winds of at least 74 mph are expected within 24 hours. Once this warning has been issued, your family should be in the process of completing protective actions and deciding the safest location to be during the storm.
Hurricane Scale
- Tropical Storm – Winds 39-73 mph
- Category 1 Hurricane – Winds 74-95 mph
- Category 2 Hurricane – Winds 96-110 mph
- Category 3 Hurricane – Winds 111-130 mph
- Category 4 Hurricane – Winds 131-155 mph
- Category 5 Hurricane – Winds 156 mph and up
Hurricane Hazards
- Storm surge
- High winds
- Tornadoes – hurricanes generate tornadoes, which often occur in the front right quadrant as the hurricane travels
- Flooding
- Damage from flying debris
- Electrocution from downed power lines
Before the Storm Suggestions
- Protect yourself and your family with a Family Action Plan – discuss the types of hazards that could affect your family, determine if you are in an evacuation area and identify an out-of-town family contact
- Assemble an emergency supply kit or review/update your existing kit
- Make sure you have a well-stocked first aid kit
- Ensure all family members know the same emergency contact in case of separation (save numbers in cell phones)
- Designate two contact people: one local and one out-of-town
- Teach children when and how to dial 911 or dial long distance to their emergency contacts
- Plan the most convenient and safe evacuation route to an alternate location out of the storm path
- Pet owners should have a plan to care for their animals; Brevard County does have pet-friendly shelters
- Remember, shelters are primarily for those persons who do not have other sheltering options
- Prepare your home – protect windows, bring in loose items (debris, plants, etc.) that can be blown around
- Prepare for flooding – clear away debris piles from storm drains and ditches to ensure water flow
- Prepare your vehicles – ensure they are safe to drive; check tires, battery and fuel level
- Prepare your boat and be aware of marine safety if you are on or near the water
- Secure valuables and important documents in waterproof containers
- Test-run generators with full loads; learn to properly and safely operate the generator
- Have cash in small denominations in case ATMs/credit cards are not available
- Take photos or video of household items in case of damage/loss or for insurance purposes
- Check insurance coverage (including renters insurance) for the pending storm – flood and wind-driven rain damage is usually not covered unless you have extra federal government flood insurance
- Ensure you have up-to-date contact information on your insurance policies
- Report water blockages (homeowner's association, Public Works Department) to prevent flooding
- Take first aid and CPR classes
Home Preparedness Recommendations
- Board up windows or close storm shutters (as soon as a hurricane watch has been issued)
- Trim trees and bushes around your home, ensuring you can have the trimmings disposed of before a hurricane watch is declared
- Clear rain gutters and downspouts – ensure they are secured properly
- Perform inventory/take pictures of home contents (electronics, furniture, jewelry, appliances, etc.) and store items in a safe place as a storm approaches (or cover them with plastic and above the ground level)
- Secure or bring in all outside items (grills, plants, tools, etc.)
- Tie down small or young trees to prevent uprooting
- Secure boats properly – loosen lines to accommodate high surge and winds, extra fenders
- Store all important documents (insurance papers, wills, credit cards, passports, social security cards, birth certificates, etc.) in a waterproof container or digital flashdrive and in a secure location; take photos of important documents, credit cards, etc. with cellphone
- Prepare emergency disaster/evacuation supply kit
- Prepare first aid kit
- Turn off propane tanks
- Close all windows and doors
- Fill bathtub and large containers with water to be used for sanitary purposes
- Locate circuit breaker in case of emergency (water damage)
- Lower thermostat temperature so house stays cool in case of power outage
- Have sandbags for low areas to prevent water from entering the home (learn about proper sandbag use)
- Barrier Island Residents – Brevard County will shut off power, water and gas in a major storm
Emergency Supply Kit
- Recommendation: Gather common items around the home that are vital during a disaster to ensure your family’s basic comfort and well-being in case of evacuation; assemble the items in easy-to-carry containers, such as a backpack or duffel bag
- Water – plan on 1 gallon of water per person per day for 3-7 days; include water for pets
- Food – plan for 3-7 days – non-perishable packaged or canned food and juices; include food for infants and pets (refrigerators keep food cool for about 4 hours without power if unopened)
- Snack food, non-electric can opener
- Medicines/prescriptions – minimum 3-5 day supply (keep in original bottles)
- Paper plates/towels, plastic utensils
- Cell phones fully charged with extra batteries, solar/portable chargers, or inverters
- Radio – battery-powered or hand-crank and NOAA weather radio with extra batteries
- Knife
- Whistle – to assist in locating help if needed
- Blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, etc.
- Glasses or contact lenses and solution
- Baby items – formula, bottles, diapers, baby wipes, rash ointment
- Clothing – change of clothes, rainy weather, work boots/sturdy shoes, hats and landscaping gloves
- Special items – for babies, elderly, disabilities (medical equipment, assistive technology, doctor's information)
- Toiletries – hygiene items, feminine supplies, dental care, moisture wipes, hand sanitizer
- Flashlight with extra batteries and candles with matches (place matches in waterproof container)
- Toys, books, games for entertainment
- Cash or traveler’s checks, coins
- Map of the area for locating shelters
- Tools – shovel, pliers, screwdrivers, hammer, knife, adjustable wrench (for shutting off gas and/or water)
- Fire extinguisher
- Tire jack, spare tires
- Full tank of gas and extra gas cans (for car, generator)
- Plastic sheeting, storage containers and bucket with tight lid
- Plastic garbage bags and ties for sanitation
- Tape (duct, masking)
- Paper, pencil, pen
- Aluminum foil
- Toilet paper, moistened towelettes and towels
- Soap, liquid detergent, disinfectant
First Aid Kit – Recommended Items for Your Home and Car(s)
- Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
- 2-inch and 4-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
- 2-inch and 3-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
- Triangular bandages (3)
- Nitrile or Latex gloves (at least 2 pairs)
- Cleansing agent, soap and moistened towelettes
- Antiseptic and antibiotic ointment
- Petroleum jelly or other lubricant
- Assorted sizes of safety pins
- Scissors, tweezers, needle and thermometer
- Tongue depressors (2)
- Non-prescription drugs
- Aspirin or non-aspirin pain reliever
- Anti-diarrhea medication, antacid and laxatives
- Syrup of Ipecac (used to induce vomiting if advised by the Poison Control Center)
- Activated charcoal (use if advised by the Poison Control Center)
- Mosquito repellent, with DEET when appropriate
- Extra prescription glasses, sunglasses and/or contact lenses
- Personal items required to perform basic daily functions
- Sunscreen
- Hearing aid and batteries
Important Documents – Keep in a Waterproof, Portable Container
- Family records (birth, marriage certificates)
- Social Security Cards, passports
- Medical records
- Insurance policies
- Wills, powers of attorney, deeds, contracts
- Bank account information
- Credit card account information
- Stocks, bonds
- Immunization records/prescriptions
- Inventory of valuable household items
- Current photographs of family members
Note: Take photos of important documents for storing on your cellphone in case of emergency
Pet Planning – Ensure the safety and well-being of your pets if you need to evacuate
- Animal collars and ID tags
- Vet records showing immunizations/medicines
- Ample supply of food and water
- Medicines
- Cleaning supplies (newspaper, pet pad)
- Carrier/kennel/cage
- Leash or muzzle
- Toys/treats
Evacuation-Related Information
- Shelter from wind; evacuate from water
- If an evacuation is recommended, do not wait or delay; traffic will build up
- Plan to be in traffic and in your vehicle for long periods of time
- Ensure your destination (hotel/family/friend) is confirmed to receive you
- Bring your emergency supply and first aid kits (and your pet kit, if applicable)
- Public shelters are your last resort if no hotel/family/friend is available; bring essentials (cots/beds not provided)
Evacuate if you:
- Live in a storm surge zone or evacuation area
- Live in a low-lying or flood-prone area
- Live in a mobile home or manufactured housing
- Live on a barrier island (the loss of causeways can cause isolation)
- Are water or electricity dependent
- Are a person with special medical needs
- Don’t feel safe in your home
Shelter Information
- Check local hurricane survival guides
- Brevard County Emergency Management will provide season-specific shelter information, including pet-friendly shelters. View shelter information on the Brevard County Emergency website.
Special Needs Shelter Information
- Specific support shelters are available
- Pre-registration is required, so your needs can be identified and planned for. (Find special needs shelter registration information on the Brevard County Emergency Management website, which includes details on how to pre-register online, via mail or fax or through your healthcare provider.)
- If you have a caregiver, bring them to the shelter.
- Arrangements can be made for your pets
- Once registered, a shelter assignment will be given
- Transportation can be provided
Stay Informed
- NOAA weather radio (162.550)
- View the Florida Division of Emergency Management Hurricane Guide
- Monitor television/radio news broadcasts and websites
- National Weather Service Melbourne, FL website
- Brevard County Emergency Management website
- Follow the Brevard Emergency Management Facebook page
- Follow the Brevard County Emergency Management X account
- Sign up for text message updates from Brevard County Emergency Management on your cell phone by texting BrevardEOC to 888777 (normal text messaging rates apply)
- Sign up for AlertBrevard location-based notifications
- Your cellular provider may participate in Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) – Presidential, Amber or Weather including tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes or extreme wind
- Florida Department of Health Safety Website – Information on health and safety concerns related to a storm, including carbon monoxide precautions related to generators, septic system issues related to flooding and more
- Subscribe to weather notification systems
- Consult the Florida Power & Light Company to report and check the status of power outages
- Visit the National Hurricane Center website
- Check the National Hurricane Center's Preparedness Information website