Strategic Planning at EFSC

Strategic Planning is facilitated by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research, ensuring college-wide participation in institutional effectiveness and compliance measures.

The strategic plan is developed from a leadership team of 20+ staff and faculty and includes data and feedback from multiple environmental scan surveys and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analyses.

Eastern Florida State College’s mission remains at the core of this process: to engage our diverse population in quality, accessible, learning opportunities which successfully meet individual and community needs.

The 2022-2025 EFSC Strategic Plan [Accessible PDF] consists of three goals and eleven institutional commitments.

Digital Version Cover: Strategic Plan 2022-2025

[Click image for digital version]

The three goals are: Access, Advancement, and Achievement.

The eleven institutional commitments include:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Fostering Equity
  • Student-Ready
  • Completion
  • Future Focused
  • Workforce Education
  • Accountability
  • Employee Relations
  • Revitalization of Campuses
  • Enhancing Revenue Streams
  • Community Relations

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research tracks the outcomes of various measures associated with the strategic goals noted above.