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Social Media Disclaimer

Organizational, departmental, and program-related social media accounts are resources affiliated with Eastern Florida State College. Please note that the content shared on these accounts may not necessarily represent the views of EFSC or its leadership. Account moderators and followers are solely responsible for the content they post, and Eastern Florida State College disclaims any liability or responsibility for that content.

We welcome and encourage meaningful discussions and the exchange of ideas. However, we do monitor conversations, and comments that include threatening, inappropriate, offensive, or libelous language may be removed. Additionally, we may delete content that veers off-topic from the original post or contains a commercial offer, which are prohibited.

EFSC also reserves the right to remove comments and or report and/or block users who post comments that are from anonymous blog trolls or bots; constitute true threats; violate the social media site’s own policies; constitute incitement to violence, or a violation of law or state college policies. 

For a comprehensive list of Eastern Florida State College's social media accounts, please visit the social media directory on our News and Events page. You can also review the college's full social media guidelines.