Physical therapists in training

Physical Therapist Assistant Clinical Education

The Physical Therapist Assistant program at Eastern Florida State College strongly appreciates and values the importance of clinical education. Below you'll find information for our students and for practitioners willing to partner with us as clinical sites. If you have questions, contact Raymond Choiniere, MSPT, DPT, Clinical Coordinator at or 321-431-7234.

Becoming a Clinical Site

Thank you for considering a potential partnership with our Physical Therapist Assistant program to provide a new educational opportunity for our students. If you're interested in becoming a clinical site or would like more information, please contact Clinical CoordinatorRaymond Choiniere, MSPT, DPT via email at or at 321-431-7234. He can also set up an appointment and come to your facility to go over the process.

Upcoming Clinical Practicum Dates

The Physical Therapist Assistant program runs three, six-week clinical practicums each calendar year. They are full-time rotations and students work the hours of their assigned clinical instructor. Practicum 1 is the first rotation and runs in the fall. At that point, students have completed 80% of their coursework. Practicum 2 and 3 run during the spring term.

2023 Practicum Dates

PTA Clinical Practicum 2: 6 weeks
Jan. 16, 2023 – Feb. 24, 2023

PTA Clinical Practicum 3: 6 weeks
Mar. 20, 2023 -  April 28, 2023

PTA Clinical Practicum 1: 6 weeks
Aug. 21, 2023  – Sept. 29, 2023

Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI)

The CPI is a standardized valid instrument developed by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) to assess students’ performance during their clinical education experiences. Clinical instructors need to be certified in how to use the CPI to evaluate a physical therapist or a physical therapist assistant student. The certification is done by completing a 2-3 hour online course. The course is free and you will earn 3 CEUs for taking it. In order to evaluate a physical therapist assistant student, you must take the PTA certification course even if you have already taken the physical therapist certification.

Review APTA information about the course:
Clinical Practicum Objectives

Listed below are links that will provide you with a PDF of each clinical practicum. These documents provide you with the course description, objectives and the level of expected achievement for the corresponding clinical practicum.

Clinical Practicum Forms

Listed below are links to the EFSC Physical Therapist Assistant program clinical forms that are used by students and clinical instructors during each clinical practicum.

EFSC Clinical Site Form

The EFSC Clinical Site Form is used to profile clinical facilities to assist students in the clinical selection process. Whether you are a small practice or a large organization, our form focuses on just your physical therapy facility and what you do at that location. It is our goal to work with you to keep an updated version on file to assist with students’ placements. To help achieve that goal, our students can help complete the form or update it with your guidance when placed at your facility.

If you are already using the APTA’s Clinical Site Information Form (CSIF), there is no need for our form. We can use a printout version of the CSIF for our files. To obtain a writable PDF version of our form, click on the link below.