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Exterior of glass and stucco EFSC Health Sciences Institute

About the Health Sciences Institute

The 60,000-square foot Health Sciences Institute on the Eastern Florida State College Melbourne campus is a dedicated training facility for nursing and health science professions.

The facility houses classrooms for healthcare programs, including labs for a wide variety of medical and diagnostic specializations.

Programs at the Melbourne Institute are in the category known as hospital-based offerings.

EFSC's Cocoa and Palm Bay campuses offer a variety of community-based healthcare training programs. EFSC also has select online healthcare programs, including an online RN to Bachelor of Nursing degree.

Institute Home to High-Tech Patient Simulation Lab

The Patient Simulation Lab at EFSC's Health Sciences Institute provides a safe place for students to demonstrate their clinical skills as they replicate patient care using life-like manikins. From simple anatomical models to highly instrumented, computer-controlled, full-body manikins, these simulators manufactured by Gaumard offer a portable simulation solution for nursing schools, health science programs, EMS agencies, hospitals and the military throughout the world.

four students examine a patient simulatorThe manikins in EFSC's lab provide an anatomically correct, feature-rich experience, which allows for the physical demonstration of various clinical signs including bleeding, breathing, blinking eyes and convulsions. Care providers can diagnose and treat the conditions of the adult manikin, known as HAL, using real monitoring and resuscitation equipment while it is being rushed from an accident scene.

HAL can be controlled at distances up to 300 meters and between rooms and floors of conventional buildings. He smoothly transitions between physiological states in response to commands from a wireless PC.

The Noelle Birthing manikin helps nursing students gain experience assisting a mother during birth in a simulated emergency situation. The Baby Sim manikin gives students the opportunity to practice hands-on neonatal nursing skills.

EFSC's Gaumard pediatric sim manikin allows students to gain valuable skills needed for the care of children.

Together, these systems deliver a realistic and objective training ground to practice and perfect patient care without risk to real patients.