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SAIL Tales: Sharing our Stories

What’s a SAIL Tale? These are personal and professional stories from students, families, and professionals about access and success at Eastern Florida State College. Check back for additional stories and send us your own SAIL Tale.

Resources to Achieve Success
Zachary Wallace

Former online student Zachary Wallace will be the first to tell you that SAIL's services are not limited to on-campus students. With assistance from SAIL, Wallace is taking full advantage of the College's online resources to help him complete his degree.

“My learning disabilities were discovered in elementary school. I had an IEP and various accommodations through high school. I was always quiet, and it was often hard to ask for help. My parents were my advocates when I was younger, but now it is my responsibility to seek out services and help. It was very intimidating thinking about the challenges college would bring. Could I do it? Would help be available? The answer was yes, and I found it through SAIL, the College’s accessibility/disability services department. SAIL and the Writing Center have given me the direction and tools to be successful. I am currently completing my A.A. online. I receive the same help and services students on campus receive. Questions are always answered quickly, and resources are available. I have the ability to submit papers to the Writing Center online, and feedback is given within 24 hours. My accommodations are communicated smoothly to all my professors. I am doing great, and I just completed two summer courses with As in both. All you need to do is ask. If you have the determination to be successful, the resources are here to make it happen.”

Read More SAIL Tales: Explore our Archives

What's in a Name?

This story is about our name: SAIL – Student Access for Improved Learning. If you have a disability, or have a friend, relative or loved one who has a disability, you’ve probably noticed that external barriers (architectural, environmental, communication, attitudinal) can impact their ability to successfully access the things many of us take for granted, like shopping, working, going to school, using public transportation, etc.).

Woman sitting on a benchIt is our job — and everyone’s job — to reduce or remove these barriers so that people with disabilities have equal access. For example when a sign language interpreter is provided for a student who cannot hear, that student now has access to the same information as the students in the class who can hear. By increasing the width of door openings, people who use a wheelchair can access the same places as people who do not use wheelchairs. Student Access for Improved Learning (SAIL) replaces the former “office of students with disabilities” because we want ensure access for students, create an inclusive college environment and empower students to reach their individual potential.